The Little, Brown Essential Handbook

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The Little, Brown Essential Handbook

The Little, Brown Essential Handbook


A journalist who writes about science competes against all kinds of stories and needs control rules that apply to any issue likely to be published in the media. You be possible to write interesting articles on matters of science only if it has made its task: to research, understand the subject, have excellent communication skills and follow the basics of journalistic writing (1).

But there are certain specificities of science journalists in particular the need keep in mind. For example, how does one simplify complex scientific jargon? Or how we help readers understand numbers - for example this related size, volume, weight and distance - which can be extremely small or extremely large? Or, more importantly, how can a journalist scientific writing about a seemingly mundane topic so to keep the reader's attention from beginning to end? (1).

Know who you are writing

Your editor

Before writing a single letter, familiarize yourself with three of his most prominent critics: the editor, your audience and yourself, in that order! Make sure you understand your editor. Discuss the idea of its history, reaching agreement on what he or she expects to receive, keep in mind the length of the article to the editor requested, and if you expect images, diagrams or other material to help make fascinating article.

It is important to understand that communication with your editor should be fluid, but direct. As noted in Lesson One of this course online, your editor may be busy, communicating with other editors also assuming the daily burden of preparing day's edition. So he or she will appreciate your communication should not take more than a couple of emails to get started. Remember, this is a very competitive market! (2).

Your audience

If your editor is your goalie, your audience is the stadium. They are people who see every letter you write ... as long as his attention first! Hearings may be young, old, well educated or general. They can be local to the publication, regional or international. Its writing should vary accordingly (2).

There are some ways to find out what the audience of a publication:

Just ask the editor.

If the publication is an Internet portal, find the page "About us".

Read some of the articles to see the writing style and angles stories.

Take a look at any section on audience feedback

Writing for the scientific community

Members of the scientific community are aware of the basic technological concepts, but this does not mean they know everything. Depending on your discipline, scientists vary to their attention. So while you may not need to simplify the science, its writing a report should not seem academic, it still requires the attention of audience


Discover your strengths and develop with confidence their own writing style. Although it is important to write in a way to appreciate his publisher and audience, also is important to have a distinctive style. Follow the basic rules of journalistic writing, but never lose your distinctive style when ...
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