The Life In The Military Industry

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The life in the military Industry

Functional Control System

Functional control system has emerged as an inevitable result of the complexity of the governance process. The peculiarity of the functional structure is that, although the monarchy and preserved, but the individual control functions form a special unit whose employees have the knowledge and skills to work in the field of management. Functional monitoring is simply the control of different functions of organizations by special authorities, to ensure the proper performance of the company.

The functional form is sometimes called centralized, bureaucratic, classic, and mechanistic. It is a formal arrangement that divides labor by grouping activities by the input necessary for performance of specialized tasks or functions. The principle guiding this form of organizing is specialization, with each function—production, finance, marketing, sales, and so on— focusing on the efficient performance of the function's assigned work. In a functional organization, specialized departments work independently of other departments, and their activities are coordinated through a management hierarchy. Top management makes major decisions about the organization's offerings. Hence, the functional structure is called centralized. It is also called bureaucratic because the organization is managed by prespecified rules and procedures and an authority hierarchy. It is called classic because it is the traditional form that came into existence from growth of smaller organizations into large industrial ones.

It is called mechanistic because people are expected to follow the rules and procedures in doing their work and refer unique problems to their immediate managers for resolution. If those managers cannot resolve the problems, they will send them up the chain of command for resolution. Ideally, this results in an organization that functions efficiently, much like a smooth-running machine

This is a broad field of activity or functions that are available at each facility to ensure the achievement of its objectives.

If the size of the entire organization or department of this large, the major functional departments can, in turn, subdivided into smaller functional units. They are called secondary or derivative. The basic idea here is to maximize the benefits of specialization and to avoid congestion management. It is necessary to comply with some caution to ensure that such a department (or division) would not set its own goals above the overall objectives of the enterprise.

In practice, the commonly used linear-functional, or staff, structure, providing for the establishment of links with the main linear structure of functional units (Figure 11.3). The main role of these units is to prepare draft decisions, which come into force after approval by the respective line managers.

Along with line managers (directors, heads of offices and shops) there are heads of functional departments (planning, technical, financial department, accounting), prepare draft plans and reports, which become the official documents after the signing of line managers. This system has two varieties: guild management structure, characterized by the creation at the section chief of the functional units on the most important functions of production, and management structure that applies to small businesses and characterized ...
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