The Legal Framework Of Protective Security

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The Legal Framework of Protective Security

The Legal Framework of Protective Security

Case Scenario

Carl James is a 28 year old Close Protection Operative (CPO) directly employed in-house to provide protection to Cheryl Rice, an iconic female jazz singer. Cheryl is regularly followed to concerts by thousands of innocent loyal jazz fans, but over the years she has also experienced some fixated obsessive male admirers. On one occasion a man was found trespassing on her property and as a result of this she is now quite a nervous principal and worries about strangers approaching her. Just before one of Cheryl's London concerts commenced, she received a menacing telephone call from an anonymous male caller. This worried Cheryl and she brought it to Carl's attention.

Carl is a Third-Dan Karate expert and takes pride in the fact that he is a very fit man. Although he is reasonably experienced in security matters, he has never been formally trained in protection and does not hold any type of Security Industry Authority (SIA) licence. For this particular event Carl has engaged two of his friends, John and Martin to help him with Cheryl's security. They have both completed and passed a formal door supervisor's course but are waiting to receive their SIA licences.

At the end of the concert Cheryl and a few members of her staff leave with Carl and the other security officers from the private stage door area of the event. A tall large-framed man suddenly appears from behind a large wheelie bin and shouts 'Cheryl'. He is carrying something metallic in his left hand. Cheryl screams at her security to 'get him' after which Carl steps in front of Cheryl and hits the man three times in the face with a long handled torch that he was carrying. John kicks him in the chest, after which he is joined by Martin who restrains the man whilst Cheryl is driven away. The man collapses unconscious and is later taken to hospital.

It transpires that the man is a fan and 'hip-hop blogger' who just wanted to meet and interview Cheryl. He had climbed through a hole in a damaged part of the fence to get into the private backstage car park area, and remained unnoticed because the area is not patrolled by any security or venue staff. He was holding a CD Walkman and microphone in his hand because he wanted to interview Cheryl for an online 'blog' he writes. He is seriously injured and has been hospitalised with a fractured rib, a broken nose, severe facial bruising and possible brain damage.

Carl was later arrested and has been charged with Actual Bodily Harm. John and Martin have been interviewed but not charged with any offences. At the time of writing it is thought a more serious charge may be preferred by the Crown Prosecution Service as the victim is still in a coma.

What criminal offences appear to have been committed and by whom? Advise Carl on his legal position both ...
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