The Isra And Mi'Raj Of Prophet Muhammad

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The Isra and Mi'raj of Prophet Muhammad


This study provides complete detail about the miraculous journey of Prophet Muhammad to the Jerusalem, Al Aqsa Mosque and Heaven. This study reveals the detailed information about the visit to Mosque Al Aqsa and Heavens in only one night. This study also reveals the information about the paradise and hell. This study also provides information about the gift of prayers he received from Allah. It also highlights the objections that were against this journey.

The Isra and Mi'raj of Prophet Muhammad


Isra and Mi'raj are the most miraculous events in the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Isra is a night's journey of Muhammad(PBUH) from Makka to Jerusalem and Mi'raj is the ascension to the heavens. These Miraculous events are beyond imagination of common human mind, because in a time where there was no technological advancement, and no other such means of travel, Muhammad (PBUH) travelled the heaven and skies within a short period of time. Isra and Mi'raj are the parts of the night in which Muhammad was on his physical and spiritual journey. He attended the prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque (Jerusalem) as Imam. Later, he began his journey to heaven in which he met different other prophets and visit different levels of skies.

This night is one of the most spiritual and miraculous nights for the Muslims (Janneh, 2010, p.131-132). All Muslims have their belief on Muhammad's Journey and celebrate this event every year on 27th Rajab (Dodge, 2010, p.64). One of the miracles of this night's journey is that it made various people embrace Islam. The most important part of this night was the time when Muhammad (PBUH) finally went to the stage where Allah himself addressed Muhammad (Mahmoud,2008, p.56-60). Before this, it was through Angels that he received messages and revelations from Allah. It was the night of miracles and gifts for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the whole Muslim Ummah.

One of the best gifts he received from Allah, for his Ummah is the prayers for five times. In Islamic calendar this event is marked as the Lailat al Mi'raj. It is the night which Muslims celebrate with the true spirit of asking for forgiveness and they worship Allah. It is the night which is spent by every Muslim as a reminder of this miraculous journey to the heavens. This whole event is quoted in Quran in sura Al-Isra, and the complete detail of the whole event was mentioned by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Hadiths (Janneh, 2010, p.131-132).

Thesis statement

Isra and Mi'raj are the miraculous journey of Prophet Muhammad to Jerusalem and heaven both physically and spiritually.


This journey to heaven occurred a year before Hijrah. This physical and spiritual journey to the heavens was completed in just a night's time and from the details of this event it appeared that he spent years in there, but when he returned to the earth at his home it was only a moment passed. All these miracles were associated with this incredible ...
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