With time, the ways managers lead their organizations to success have also changed. They have come to comprise of factors that merge the role of a leader with that of a manger and in doing so, they, the managers, have had to master and incorporate the study of organizational behavior into their work. The field of organizational behavior dwells on how an individual, or a group of individuals and structure, behave within an organization. The field of study actually includes and incorporates psychology, sociology, communication and management; complimenting the studies of organizational theory. Organizational behavior's roots can be traced back to industrial and organizational psychology (Korman, 1977, pp. 13). Organizational studies investigate organizations from multiple viewpoints, analysis and methods. It is not uncommon for scholars to divide the said viewpoints amongst modern perspectives, post modern perspectives and symbolic perspectives. Another mechanism that is frequently seen in American circles is the distinction of organizational studies as 'micro' and 'macro' in terms that can be said to be similar to the use in economics; varying by the scale observed (Adler, 1991, pp. 9-13).
With every interaction with an organization, specific factors tend to present themselves. Managers and their respective organizations continually study and attempt to model the factors they come across. The social science aspect of organizational studies can be seen in how the said models, theories and factors are addressed in such a way as to control, explain and predict similar factors. One might consider it an ethical dilemma; the direct involvement of the organization's employees and the management's efforts to control the environment in order to increase efficiency and productivity. For certain scenarios, the concern might hold true, fortunately, such is not the case in most organizations (Zaigham, 2010, pp. 32-44). Organizational behavior theories and models are created with ethics and the best interest of the organization and their employees in mind. In the end, if the employees are improving their performance, they are satisfied with their job and the work that they do, and they seem committed to their work; everyone is happy. The purpose of this paper is to take a closer look at organizational behavior, the elements and the models that constitute to the field. The paper concludes with the benefits one can acquire from studying and incorporating the subject matter in their organization.
Society has greatly changed over the past few decades and technology is the primary contributor to the variation in lifestyles seen all over the world. Advancements in telephony, communication, media and microwave technology has made life a lot simpler. Today, gadgets such as cell phones, GPS locators and devices that function based on internet connectivity have become norm.
“Organizational behavior is a field that involves social sciences, psychology, communication and management. When combined and applied to an organization, one can learn, control and predict how an individual, or a group of individuals, act and perform in the said organization. Its purpose is to improve relationships among ...