The Immediate And Long Term Effects Of Bullying On The Person

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The Immediate and Long Term Effects of Bullying On the Person



Narcissists treat other people as though they were objects either to be used? or discarded? and the bully both uses his victim (for purposes of self-gratification and aggrandizement) and then discards him. Now? children are fairly narcissistic by their very nature. Children are not born appreciating that other people are actually just like they are with their own needs and independent rights. A long period of development must occur before children grasp that the other people around them have needs and interests just like they do and need to be accommodated and accorded respect.

Bullying is Abuse

Here's a few statements to get us started: 1) Bullying is a form of abuse? and 2) Bullying is a narcissistic sort of act. In making the first statement here? I mean to say that both bullying and traditional forms of abuse are selfish and/or sadistic? destructive? and often violent acts perpetrated upon victims who do not in any way? shape or form deserve to be treated in that manner. (Attwood? 15-23) In making the second statement I'm suggesting that ring-leader bullies (those who organize bullying) are behaving as though the emotional and physical health of their victims is not important or is at least less important than their own desire for the thrill of aggression and dominance. (Bevilacqua? 17-23) The golden rule of treating others as you would yourself like to be treated makes no sense to a young child who has not yet matured to the point where this basic appreciation of the individuality of every person has been grasped. Instead? children need to be held in line with what amount to incentives (and sometimes punishments) for acting as though other people matter. So by saying that bullying is a narcissistic action? I'm not at all saying that all bullies are narcissists. Adult bullies who have not outgrown their childhood narcissism probably do qualify? but little kids are just going to be that way. This is why I'm not terribly optimistic that we can solve the problem of bullying in our time. (Attwood? 15-23)

Bullying Causes Long-Term Emotional Damage

The experience of being bullied can end up causing lasting damage to victims. This is both self-evident? and also supported by an increasing body of research. It is not necessary to be physically harmed in order to suffer lasting harm. Words and gestures are quite enough. (Attwood? 15-23) In fact? the old saying? "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never harm me" is more or less exactly backwards. For the most part? physical damage sustained in a fist fight heals readily? especially damage that is sustained during the resilient childhood years. What is far more difficult to mend is the primary wound that bullying victims suffer which is damage to their self-concepts; to their identities. (Bevilacqua? 17-23) Bullying is an attempt to instill fear and self-loathing. Being the repetitive target of bullying damages your ability to view yourself as a desirable? capable ...
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