The Hunter Games

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The Hunter Games


Imagine a world of the future where the United States has 12 outlying districts and the Capitol, where the wealthy and elite live out a pampered existence, and an all powerful government of what is now known as Panem extracts a brutal price from the populace for a previous rebellion. Each year a lottery is held in each of the districts to determine which 12 girls and boys win the draw as tributes to take part in the Hunger Games a reality, survivor-cum-gladiator type televised event where the contestants must fight to survive. The contestants are dropped into a different terrain each year and need to outwit the machinations of the games designers, the elements, as well as each other. There can only be one winner; the others must die. Kill or be killed; the ultimate punishment for the people who are forced to watch the televised spectacle (Blasingame, 724).

However, the Hunger Games highlight some notions which create a scenario which displays that a war for survival leaves North America divided into 12 districts controlled by the Capitol, a place where you can have anything you want just by snapping his fingers. But come the dark days, when districts are struggling to survive and get out of the decadence, the Capitol with advanced technology gets the submission of twelve districts and the annihilation of the thirteenth, and everyone remember the dark days not be repeated brings "The Hunger Games" a bloody contest in which a boy and a girl from each district must fight to the death, without rules, if you lose you die, if you win you will be spoken throughout Panem and all the riches you can imagine (Turner, 58).

There are little psychological base aspects in the story as it is a gritty, powerful science fiction novel that, because of the inevitable violence, is more suitable for teens or mature 12 year old readers. It is a gripping, fast-paced read with twists and turns and suspenseful moments. With firestorms, killer wasps, booby-trapped food stores and the nightly ritual of 'Who is dead today?' you are hooked to the end. Collins uses the love angle and the young tribute Rue, whom Katniss befriends, to show that beneath the surface of at least some of these young people who are forced to kill, lays a core of human warmth and kindness. On the contrary, Katniss is the main character that creates some notions which creates psychological aspects (Blasingame, 724).

However, the story revolves around two characters and creates the psychological aspects from Katniss perspective. Katniss is 16 years old and when her 12 year old sister Prim's name is called she volunteers to take her place as District 12's female tribute. The boy is Peeta, a baker's son who once saved Katniss from near starvation. However, Peeta starts the love angle that plays an important role in this year's game (Turner, 58).


There are several notions that highlight the psychological aspects Katniss and bring in her character really strong. However, the ...
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