The Great Wall Of China

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The Great Wall of China

There are numerous magnificent man-made structures in the world today, new and old. Twenty-two centuries before, a bard by the title of Antipater made a list of the Seven Wonders of the World. All of these organisations were wonderful and man-made, but there was one structure that belonged on the register that wasn't on it: the Great Wall of China. It is the longest man made structure ever created and can be mentioned to as the Eighth marvel of the World. (Fryer 220)

The Great Wall of China isn't one continuous wall; it is several walls that have been connected over time. The wall was built absolutely by hand and expands over 4,500 miles long over the to the north boarder of China. It wasn't built in a directly line because they believed demons from the north would be able to overtake through the wall. They considered demons only traveled in directly lines and therefore couldn't traverse crocked lines; so the wall was constructed with some bends and turns. It is said that the wall resembles a sleeping dragon; and the dragon is an significant symbol of China. It took round two thousand years to build. It is about twenty or thirty feet high and fifteen feet wide. It is furthermore the only man-made structure that can be glimpsed by the nude eye from outside space. The initial ideas for the wall was to keep out invaders from the North, to hold the persons engaged building so they wouldn't origin problem for the new domain, and to hold the persons in. The little states of China each constructed its own wall to keep out invaders; but the major portions of the wall were built, connected, and fixed during the dynasties of Qin, Han, and Ming. (Fryer 220)

During the time known as the Warring States time span in China, was when the individual walls were first being constructed. This time period lasted from 475 B.C until 221 B.C, about 2,500 years ago. There were seven major states that had become more powerful and had extends wars with each other during this time: Qi, Chu, Han, Zhao, Wei, Yan, and Qin. Each of these states built their own walls to help defend their boarders and hold out neighboring states and northern raiders. These walls were constructed by a procedure called hang-tu. They would first form the out-of-doors of the wall with bamboo or timber, and then they pored dirt into the patterns. They crammed the dirt down level by level so it would be able to hold large allowances of heaviness and wouldn't sink or settle. Soon these states of China would be joined and under the rule of the Qin; and it is throughout this time span that these walls would be attached to start The Great Wall of China. (Fryer 220)

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