The topic “Teaching the Golden Rule” is a written document of the famous writer Samuel V. Bruton. The author has provided material on the topic that has been described in ancient religious books of Islam, Bible and other religious books.
The author Samuel V. Bruton has described different aspects of Golden Rule that has vast impact on students. The author has defined Golden Rule as the principle that is being generally followed by people in almost all the eras of mankind. In the first and second parts, the author has given different examples and distinctions to differentiate the concept of Golden Rule. The examples have been given by the author to provide strengths and weaknesses of these Golden Rules. In the third part, the author has given differences and similarities between Golden Rule and the Kant's second formulation of the Categorical Imperative(Carson 2001).
The author has described that the students in his class generally does not have sound background of the Golden Rules. The document does not discuss the limitation or usefulness of the Golden Rule but the basic purpose of the author's document is to engage in critical analysis about the topic. While teaching basic morals and principles of the Golden Rule, there is a danger of critical issues that can be raised during interpretation(Shaw 2002).
The concept of Golden Rule in western philosophy was first appeared in the script of Ancient Greeks and Romans. It has been also referred to as the fundamental moral principle. The natural way to raise the understanding of the topic in a class is to ask the students to write some good and bad points about the business ethics. While students do that and are skied to interpret the concept, they generally get the understanding of the topic; hence it is an easier way to acquaint them with the background of the Golden Rule. Moreover, by quoting different examples, students can also understand about the framework of the basic idea.
One good thing about the principle of Golden rule that the author has stated is it raise the idea of doing good with the people in our surrounding. It encourages people in adopting good behaviors and honesty in their profession. The negative impact of these rules can be considered as the ethical issues that are being raised due to the people large believe in its universality. As these ...