The Future Of Energy

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The Future of Energy


The recent earthquake in Japan and the earthquake in Chile showed that energy security is essential for the development of a country and beyond offers of the generators and their potential investment is necessary to define state policies to diversify the energy matrix without sacrificing ecological security and local economies. Also, it is clear that throughout the world are reviewing the paradigms that defined the electric supply systems the twentieth century. The transition is beginning to develop matrices involves much more diversified, with increasing components of renewable energy and increased number of players in the build system (McKibben, pp. 56).

The energy of the twentieth century and the energies of our future

If we wanted to represent the last century using a symbolic aspect - not necessarily a specific event - which has strongly influenced over the years and that has changed the lives and habits of a broader range of people with effects we still feel that in this I imagine that everyone would be more than embarrassed and uncertain given the plethora of possible responses generated by the many events of significance that have followed from early 900 to the end of the millennium. In these cases the mind runs almost automatically to the dramatic and painful events, such as the two great wars that marked the last century, or at times when it is born again hope for a better tomorrow, as the newfound unity that pervaded the ' Europe after the war, laying the groundwork for monetary unification occurred in recent times (Cothran, pp. 25).

Sources of energy

Wind farm.

Wind power is based on the potential energy that flows have wind. This potential energy is captured by the blades of wind generators, and is transformed into electricity in the alternators present inside of these generators. The most favourable areas for the implementation of wind turbines are the coastal regions and large steppes, where constant winds blow regularly: need an average speed of wind exceeding 30 km / h for a wind turbine wind turbines work with efficiency. Ademas can be mounted and removed without a trace only in nature. Wind farms abound all over the world. Denmark is the world leader in this important technology, both terrestrial and marine. It is the country in which a larger fraction of its electricity is generated through wind turbines. In addition, three of the four largest producers of wind turbines and towers are located in Denmark. In second place is situated Germany, followed by the United States and Spain, Canada, France and the Netherlands are other countries with high development of the wind industry (Yergin, pp. 23).

Energy hydroelectric

This energy is a clean, renewable, and inexhaustible. Hydropower is used in hydroelectric plants. In the hydro electricity is generated by the kinetic and potential energy of water that fall and move the turbine drives an electric generator. Hydroelectric power can generate environmental impacts if not well adapted to the river in which it is built. A hydroelectric plant can have a ...
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