The Empire Of Note In 2061

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The Empire of Note in 2061


The US is the current Empire of Note and will maintain its status through 2061. For this, the United States of America has planned various reforms in various sectors for economic development. These developments are discussed hereunder, that prove that America is the world's biggest power and will be even in 2016 despite the tough competition faced by developed economies like China and Japan.

Creation of employment

The rise in the national unemployment in US after the recession of 2007-2008 and the resultant decline in the status of life in the US calls for reforms in the educational sector. We need jobs to stimulate the economic activity. The average unemployment rate was 5% before the economic turmoil that hit US. However, during the recession and post-recession this normal rate of unemployment varied quite significantly. For some quarters during the recession, the unemployment rate went as high as 8%.

To address the issue, the US Economic Development Administration (EDA) is making smart investments to accelerate jobs in the US in order to achieve economic growth (EDA, p. 2). EDA is committed to facilitating a competitive environment between the public and private sector and help the private sector flourish. Moreover, the EDA aims to develop a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation. The creation of an entrepreneurial culture will support the creation of new business ventures and not only decrease the unemployment rate for the future but also increase the level of production. Hence, the GDP for the country will increase and so the continual growth will aid the United States of America in maintaining its leadership as the Empire of Note.

Educational development

In the year 2010, the US government's Department of Education launched the National educational technology plan. The underlying objective of the educational technology is to modernize and transform the American education to match the needs of the time. Hence, the reform in information and communication technology was imperative. The plan covers the learning model for the 21st century. The plan aims to change the assessment system deployed by the schools. Till today, the purpose of assessment has been to assess the leaning of students. This is not enough. The focus of assessment in the future would be to determine, whether the students enrolled in a particular program, and educational level posses the necessary skills that they need to face the challenges of their life. In addition, the focus will be on problem solving and critical analysis (Lili, p. 12).

With technology, the students will be assessed for their learning in the real world situations. By using the virtual technology, students will be exposed to a real world situation. For instance, River City is a technology whereby the students are taken to a time in the past. They act as avatars to one another, the students from the current time and those in the past, and they learn from each other.

This system makes learning and assessment fun and functional at the same time (ED, ...
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