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The Effect Of Canine Assistant Therapy Programs For Children With Cerebral Palsy In The United States.

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[The effect of canine assistant therapy programs for children with Cerebral Palsy in the United States.]



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The effect of Canine Assistant Therapy Programs

for children with Cerebral Palsy in America


Chapter 1: Introduction

Background of the Study

Canine-assisted therapy is a physical therapy treatment in which the movement of horses will be used to improve posture, balance and overall development of people with or without motor difficulties. It has since 1960 in Europe and in the middle of the year 1970 in the U.S. for the treatment of cerebral palsy (CP), as well as other neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis, brain injury, learning disabilities, muscular and sensory problems. It is based on modern theories of motor control and development, and neuro-physiological principles of treatment.

Problem Statement

Several studies have shown positive effects of public support dogs therapy in patients with diseases of the central nervous system, including infantile CP. Ongoing studies are positive effects dogs assisted therapy in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy have the scientific level of evidence 2a. Important studies on the basis that the gait of a horse, a precise, rhythmic and repetitive pattern of movement similar to the human walking motion has carried out. This prevents a patient whose hampering the development of a rhythmic pattern can go get help mutual aspects of the movement and improving posture control by stimulation of the normal reactions and balance by repeated stimulus for the coordination of stance during the dog day care therapy sessions.

Theoretical Framework

Therapeutic results with the use of dogs assisted therapy received treatment research in the development of advanced dogs on the platform of therapy or exercise equipment, "simulate" that movement of the horse, so that this therapy may be more accessible to patients and not recommended. A detailed study of the work in this line of research or related disciplines has developed the following classification, which will be of the type of horses, trainers movement drawn:

Structures of the Karakuri are designed to give a sense of "horse" and "trot" with a combination of back and forth and up and down swinging movement. It is generally used to require a high sense of movement, rather than thin and fine-tuning. Structure on the insects on the geometry of the parallel platform, with the upper platform, fully mobile. Insects provide a higher degree of mobility and configuration, ideal for more precise movements at the expense of greater structural complexity.

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