The Death Penalty

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The Death Penalty

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The Death Penalty

Thesis statement

Death penalty is not unfair or cruel act it is just a matter of understanding.


According to the US Department of Justice, the average prison sentence served for murder is five years and eleven months. This is why putting a murderer away for life just is not good enough. Laws change, paroles vary, and people do forget the past. Those are the things that cause life imprisonment to fail. As long as the murderer lives, there is always a chance that he will kill again. It is so difficult to understand why these criminals should have their lives preserved for extended periods of time, while the families of the victims have to wait patiently for justice. It is simply unfair. (Leigh, 2007)

Death Penalty Serve As a Deterrent To Crime

The arguments in favor of capital punishment are based less on emotion and more on rational thought and fact. If it can be said that any punishment at all is a deterrent, then it would seem that the most severe punishment would be the best deterrent. As a punishment, it is 100% effective; every time it is used, the prisoner dies. Additionally, the death penalty is actually 100% effective as a deterrent to crime: the murderer will never commit another crime once he has been executed. Our nation's cities have become plagued with crime and violence with the encouragement of a soft legal system. Capital punishment provides the necessary penalty and deterrent for criminals in America. 41% of all adults believe that the death penalty deters people from committing murder -- the smallest number from among all of The Harris Polls that asked this question in the last 27 years. A 36% plurality would still like to see an ...
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