The Death Of Marie Antoinette's Children And The Mystery Of Louis Charles

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The Death of Marie Antoinette's Children and The mystery of Louis Charles

The Death of Marie Antoinette's Children and The mystery of Louis Charles


Maria Antonia better known as the Marie Antoinette was Imperial Princess, and wife of Louis XVI, King of France. She was born in Vienna (Austria) 2 November 1755, died in Paris October 16, 1793. She got married to Louis when she was only 14, and the prince was only 15 years old. She was dull, and fat at the she got married, but on the other hand she was an extrovert, she was more interested in having a good time than running France.

Louis was unable to give children because of some sexual problems in his system; he was suffering from phimosis but after some time, he recovered from it with surgery. Later on Maria Antonia gave birth to four children. They had 4 children 2 girls and 2 boys. The first dolphin died quite young in 1789, second son, Louis XVII died in prison of the Temple locked in a dungeon. The first daughter Maria Theresa was locked up for years and was released and died in the 19th and second daughter died when she was a baby she died before her first birthday.

Thesis Statement

Most People State that, Louis Charles was murdered and some believed that he never died but some other child was there in his place.


In this part of the paper, we are going to focus on what happened to the children of Maria Antonio and mystery of Louis Charles.

During the French Revolution, Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette, died at the guillotine. The fate of their 10-year-old son, Louis Charles, however, remains a mystery. Louis XVII has been a subject of mystery for over 200 years. The issue was laid to rest by DNA testing in 2000, but this is a mystery that just won't die.

Marie Antoinette's daughter, Madame Royale, survived the revolution. She became the duchesse Angouleme and lived to see the reigns of her uncle's Louis XVIII and Charles X. She had no children. Two children died as infants. The surviving son, the Daupin, died in prison at aged 10 during the revolution. Her daughter, known as Madame Royale, died unmarried and childless in 1851. Maria Antonio's son Louis Charles (now King Louis XVII) was kept in a dark, filthy cell until he died of tuberculosis in 1795. In future years, many men came forward claiming to be the long-lost prince. The most believable was Karl Wilhelm Naundorff, who died in Holland in 1845, but DNA tests later established that Naundorff was not related to Marie Antoinette. Moreover, DNA experts announced in April 2000 that tests conducted on the heart of the boy who died in prison proved once and for all that he was, in fact, Marie Antoinette's son.

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