Name commonly known as: Julius Caesar, Dictator of Rome during the era of the Republic
What was the Republic? Definition: The Roman republic was the form of government maintained by Rome whose authority was based on popular consent and governed by popular representation and control.
Latin Roman Name: Gaius Julius Caesar
Position of Consul: 49 BC-March 15, 44 BC
Dynasty / Historical Period: The Royal House Julio-Claudian during the Roman Republic
Place and Date of Birth: Rome, 12 July 100 BC or 102 BC
Family connections / Genealogy
Name of Father: Gaius Julius Caesar
Name of Mother: Aurelia Cotta
Cornelia Cinna minor 84 BC-68 BC
Pompeia 68 BC-63 BC
Calpurnia Pisonis 59 BC-44 BC
Cleopatra: Julius was the lover of Cleopatra, the Queen of Egypt, but they were never married as this was forbidden by Roman Law. In Ancient Rome a marriage was only recognised between two Roman citizens
Why was Julius Caesar famous? Accomplishments, achievements and important events: He conquered Gaul (modern France and Belgium - 58-50 BC). The reforms of Caesar stabilized the Mediterranean world. Julius Caesar was dictator for ten years and consul for five, and was also imperator or commander of an army he was not made to disband, so that he nearly was as powerful as any king
Julius Caesar was a general, a statesman, a lawgiver, a jurist, an orator, a poet, a historian, a philologer, a mathematician, and an architect.
Place and Date of Death: Died 15 March 44 BC on the Ides of March (aged 56). The place of death was Rome during the period of the Roman Republic
Name of successor: The successor to Julius Caesar was eventually Augustus Caesar who became the first Emperor of Rome
Interesting facts about the life of Julius Caesar
Obtain a fast overview of the times of Julius Caesar from the following facts and information about his life.
Fact 1: Julius Caesar was not an Emperor. He was given the title 'Dictator perpetuus' (Latin for dictator in perpetuity). between January 26 and February 15 of the year 44 BCE
Fact 2: He was assassinated within one month of being given the title of 'dictator perpetuus' by the Roman Senate.
Fact 3: Julius Caesar was a real ladies man and another of his lovers was Servilia, who was the mother of Brutus
Fact 4: He enjoyed honors and ceremonies when he would wear a laurel crown, because it covered his baldness, which was believed a deformity. The Ancient Romans went went with their heads bare except at sacred rites, games, festivals, on journey or in war
Fact 5: Julius Caesar was the first to print his own bust on a Roman minted coin
Fact 6: Julius Caesar was also distinguished as an author, and wrote several works which related the history of the first seven years of the Gallic War and the history of the Civil War.
Fact 7: Julius Caesar is said to have entrusted his will and testament to the oldest of the vestal virgins
Fact 8: He killed Pharnaces in battle in Tarsus, Asia Minor. The success was announced to ...