Growing old is a natural part of life that every human being eventually has to experience, but it is also one of the hardest period of a person's life. It is a time in a person's life that he is the most vulnerable, with most of his physical and cognitive characteristics diminishing significantly (Borchelt et Al, 1999). The human society is fashioned in such a way that the older generation is the most neglected of all the citizens. In a family the older members are generally given lesser significance and they mostly have to spend the latter parts of their lives in a senior citizen home. It is the role of the older generation that is beset by the human society. Once you get to a certain age, you must act accordingly and the world's perception towards you will be relevant to the age. Due to the hardship of losing their social status and the ability to do majority of the things in life because of old age, senior citizens often developed emotional diseases (Shorenstein, 2012). Depression is a common disease the older generation, as these individuals have to lead an isolated lifestyle (Costa et Al, 1980).
I selected this specific book, due to its revolutionary view on the human society. This book is not simply about a child who is born as an old man; and eventually lives his life in reverse. Rather it is about the role of the society in accepting a different phenomenon. The civilized human society will treat anything different with a sense of hostility and skepticism. They will easily condemn someone who is different as a social pariah, and will easily cause this person numerous dilemmas. Benjamin's only crime in life was to be born ...