The Course Of World War II

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The Course of World War II

The Course of World War II


The Second World War has been, until now, the armed conflict largest and bloodiest in world history which faced the Allied and Axis powers from 1939 to 1945. Armed forces of more than seventy countries participated in combat aircraft, naval and land. As a result of the war, there was a death of about 2% of world population at the time (about 60 million people), mostly civilians. As World War began on September 1, 1939 (some historians argue that the Asian front will be declared on 7 July 1937) to end officially on September 2, 1945.

The Course of World War II

The course of the Second World War can be described with the help of the following points:


Twenty years after completing the First World War, it unleashed the most devastating conflict that has afflicted mankind: the Second World War (1939-1945. About 40 million dead and many wounded, disabled and orphans whole towns, fields, roads, industrial centers, historical monuments were destroyed. The whole situation was the result of more rapid development of science and technology to exterminate the enemy, to destroy human beings.

Mediate causes

The ideological divide between Nazi fascism in Germany and Italy and the Western democracies. While political and legal foundations of Western countries proclaimed and practiced the exercise of political and religious freedoms of its citizens, the Nazi-fascist regimes of Germany, Italy, Japan proclaimed the supremacy of state over the citizen. The aggressive and militaristic Germany, Italy and Japan. Hitler annexed Austria in 1938, after the Austrian Nazi party, prepare the way and German troops occupied the country without resistance. This annexation was ratified by a plebiscite of the Austrian people.

Immediate Causes

The non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union, which occurred on August 23, ...
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