The Computing Environment

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The Computing Environment


With the cloud paradigm being applied broadly, how to make an efficient scheme of resource placement regarding to the energy cost has become a prerequisite problem to be solved. But nearly all of existing resource placement approaches always ignore the energy use caused by

virtual machine (VM) dynamical migration. In this paper, we established the energy consumption model in cloud computing environment, and analyzed the energy use in our model. Based on the analysis, we improved the Online Bin Packing algorithm, and proposed a new energy-aware approach with consideration of energy efficiency in cloud computing environment which is composed of virtual machines. At the end of this paper, we proved our placement approach by simulation results. The simulation results show that this algorithm can not only increase resource utilization rates, but also make the data center more energy-efficient.







Problem description6

VMs placement model6



Carbon Footprint and its Impact10

Calculating the Carbon Footprint10

Cloud Computing12



The Computing Environment


Computing environment (English Computational Environment ) - a set of objects involved in the calculations, each time you want a definition of what is considered to be an object, and what is meant by the calculations, ie, interpretation of these terms depends on the context of use. For example, in software engineering under the computing environment is meant a set of software components and services that can be integrated within a single application (implementing a process in a particular subject area.) The term is sometimes also understood in a narrower sense, as an application for (mathematical) modeling of various objects and phenomena and their subsequent (simulation models or objects) of the study. In the latter case, the number of well-known examples include Mathcad , Mathematica . By computing environment and sometimes to understand the hardware, but in the broadest sense is the collection of hardware and software to implement a particular concept of computing (and in fact, to implement a specific model of computation ).

In the mathematical context and the context of theoretical computer science, the use of the term based on the assumption that there is a formal theory, which defines how that object is, and how and what calculations performed on these objects. Such a theory must, first, to postulate a class of objects or terms, and secondly, the equivalence relation between them (the so-called equational system ). Then by computing refers to the equivalent transformation of objects. An example of such a system is a ?-calculus


The issue of energy consumption in cloud computing which involves increasing size and capacity of data centers has been receiving mounting attention in recent years. From

the energy efficiency perspective, a cloud computing data center can be defined as a pool of computing and communication resources organized in the way to transform the received power into computing or data transfer work to satisfy user demands. In fact, the utilization ratio of data center resource is only 30% [1]. So, to concentrate the workload in a minimum set of the computing ...
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