The Comparison Between The American Health Care System And The Canadian Health Care System

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The Comparison between the American Health Care System and the Canadian Health Care System


Critics of American health care system often suggest using foreign models. They indicate, in many countries health care costs are much lower than in the U.S., and efficiency of health services - above. The United States should adopt a foreign experience, these skeptics argue, and create a public health system. However, a careful study of the situation shows that the health care system in almost all countries has problems rising costs and inaccessibility of health care for the population. There is no universal model of organization of health care that is suitable for everyone, of course, does not exist. The level of centralization, control, distribution of costs among all citizens, as well as the role of private insurance in health care services in different countries vary greatly. Having health insurance is not the same universal access to health services. In practice, many countries have insurance at all, but medical services within its framework "batched" or people who have long to wait in line for treatment. Increased cost of health care system is not unique to the United States (Conklin, p. 15). While in other countries, these costs are much lower percentage of total GDP and GDP per capita, they grow almost everywhere, creating a budget deficit, raising taxes and reducing benefits. In countries where the emphasis is on government control of health care, citizens are more likely to face a "waiting lists", rationing of services, restrictions on the choice of a physician or other obstacles in the field of medical care. Countries where health systems are most effective, achieve a similar result at the expense of central government control and reliance on market mechanisms - competition, the division of costs, market prices and choice for consumers. Thus, the method of solving the problems of American health care is not in its nationalization, and the experience of other countries, who says the insolvency of a centralized command system and the benefits of providing consumers with better incentives and freedom of choice (Altman, p. 35). This paper compares and contrasts two health care systems: United States and Canada. In doing so, the paper first presents the significance of the comparison. The significance is followed by an in depth discussion of comparison parameters like quality of care, costs, structures etc. The paper finally presents a conclusion stating which system favors best to an ordinary citizen.

Significance of Comparing Health care systems

A system of health care is an organization and the method by which health care is provided. Health systems are a product of history and culture of the societies in which they develop, and express the values ??prevailing in them. Health systems are "organizations that provide health services (hospitals, health centers, professional staff and public health services) and other networks, sectors, institutions, ministries and organizations that have a definite influence on the ultimate goal of the system - health. Important in this regard are education, transportation, social services, housing, food industry, etc. “

Health systems are "all organizations, institutions ...
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