The Challenges Of Change

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The Challenges of Change

The Challenges of Change


It can clearly observe that our economic environment is changing rapidly. New challenges are faced by the business as they are involved in implementing new strategies to maintain their position in the competitive market place. In order to achieve the targeted goals the old methods have failed now and it is necessarily required to implement new and enhanced set of rules and techniques. The challenge that is faced by the managers of organization not only includes the strategies to control and manage their organizations but they also need to provoke such strategies that can engage their workers for producing maximum innovation. For this purpose, transformation is required that can lead them to create a new environment for enhancing the capabilities of their workers (Sims, 2002).


An organization named as State Board of Pardons and Paroles has recently implemented the changes to improve its productivity and to sustain its position. There were many challenges faced by the company but the three most critical issues faced are as follows: (Sims, 2002).

Leadership - The First Challenge of Change

The practices based on traditional management were observed on the framework of command-and-control that is combined with sufficient implementation of the capital and the capacity as an objective. The traditional management skills related to the directing and controlling the workers execute contradiction to the requirement for innovation, enhancement and creativity. In this existing situation it is not required that the workers must be managed but is required that they have the ability to lead and they are able to be trusted (Tischmann, 2007).

It is highly required to them to be authorized and acknowledged with the appropriate and actual information in order to create perfect decisions for bringing progress in the condition of the company as well as remain as a contributing part of a company by giving time and energy. With respect to the new economy, it is considered as the responsibly of the senior managers to progress, protect, grow, enhance and also leverage the major properties that are related to the organization. For controlling the activity of the people involved in the organization it is the responsibility of the managers, to introduce and create such a situation within the organization that utilizes the skills and talent of its workers. This can be done by making them involved in the creative and innovative search of common and clear goals (Tischmann, ...
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