The Argument Of Same-Sex Marriage

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The Argument of Same-Sex Marriage


Same sex marriage continues to be one of the most socially and legally controversial topic in the United States of America. Out of 50 states in the union, only 6 states recognize same sex marriage legally. The remaining 44 states, institutions, groups and individuals who oppose same-sex marriage cite some compelling as well as slippery slope arguments. Same goes for the people who are in favor of same-sex marriage. This paper has taken into account perspective of both sides hoping to educate the average reader about basics of the issue so they understand it properly and then take their positions on the issue. I have also given my thoughts on the issue which you will find in the body of the text.


Same-sex marriage remains to be one of the most controversial issues in the United States which quite often provokes strong emotions for those who favors as well as oppose it. Institutions (American Psychological Association endorsed it back in 2002) that have a say in the social and legal matters often fuels the fire by either endorsing or opposing it publicly and provokes more debate in the media and general public.

Advocates of Gay-rights are intensifying efforts for gaining legal recognition to same-sex unions but social conservatives are strongly resisting them. Same-sex marriage supporters says they deserve and need the same practical and symbolic benefits which heterosexuals in a country enjoys for their relationships. Opponents say the recognition of same-sex unions will prove to be harmful for the institution of marriage by directly affecting traditional families. Supporters say institution of marriage need to be encouraged because marriage is already suffering from other social trends, growing divorce rate is one of them. Opponents also show their concerns over raising children in gay houses. Several American presidents also sought to define the marriage through federal law which says civil union take place between a man and a women.

Proponents present their position on the issue by citing their rights guaranteed by the constitution as well as a large body of empirical research which illustrates the negative psychological effects of anti-gay policies on gay and lesbian individuals (Adamson, pp.9).


Gay marriage supporters believe the recognition of same-sex marriage will help in the passing and upholding of gay rights which will burden the social and religious bodies and institutions that are in favor of anti-gay value system in the American society which do not call for the equal treatment of homosexuals. Gay rights speakers see the social and legal recognition of gay marriage as their enabling to enjoy other rights which constitution of United States guarantees. Gay rights proponents say:

Employers (including religious schools, churches and the Boy Scouts) will be bound to hire homosexuals, even if the employee's homosexuality is believed to be inconsistent with the job position by employers.

Private landlords will be bound by the law to rent out their properties to same-sex couples, even if landlord holds religious objections to the provision of his space that will likely to be used by the ...
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