This paper intends to explore the textbook of Walvoord. The 'Revelation' by Walvoord is the study of Bible which analyzes each and every verse presented in Bible. The basic concept behind the book of Walvoord is to depict the literal meanings of various revelations within Bible. Further, the book also describes the symbolic nature of revelations and the significance of interpreting the verses of Bible correctly. The introductory material of this book contains the basic concepts like 'the things which we haven't seen.' From the introduction of the book, the author has tried to depict his understanding of the four schools of interpretation.
Revelation 1:1
John Walvoord is most prominently recognized for his works of theology. He is assumed to be one of the most significant leading theologians in United States. The works of Walvoord depicts his authority over the systematic theology and eschatology. He is renowned for his works of biblical prophecy and 'Revelation' is assumed to be the most important work he has done with the perspective of theology and biblical prophecy.
Revelation 1:3
Walvoord has the ability to reveal his learning about the last days in a manner that readers find themselves so engaged in his writings that they usually tend to start believing his words. Walvoord has tried to guide his readers about the prophecy and practical matters of the life as revealed by Bible. Walvoord being one the most exclusive writers of evangelicalism provided in his book the basic concepts like moral purity, the importance of church discipline, relationships with church and the significance of living one's life in discipline (John, Philip, Mark, 2011 Pp. 155-180).
Revelation 1:5
Moreover, the revised and edited version of Walvoord's text by Philip and Mark represents the ideas of Walvoord in the light of Daniel's prophecies. The Walvoord text has already presented the exclusivity of Daniel's prophecy from the modern and liberal archeological viewpoint. Walvoord textbook have contributed a lot towards the understanding of revelation.
Revelation 1:7
The latest version has been refined and contains up to date and relevant information. The connection of Walvoord's writing with Daniel has been utilized in this version as well. However, the latest version is not just limited to the author's interpretation of the prophecy of Old Testament. This version has quotations from different theological experts in order to provide the readers an opportunity for discovering their meaning of Scripture (John, Philip, Mark, 2011 Pp. 125-140).