Tesco Csr

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Tesco's Environment Policies and Social Responsibility

Tesco's Environment Policies and Social Responsibility


The paper attempts to discuss the concept of corporate social responsibility as it is applied in TESCO. It explains the environmental policies and social responsibility of TESCO and highlights the various ways by which TESCO fulfils its corporate social responsibility. The paper also evaluates the ethical and environmentally responsible behaviour of TESCO in relation to the relevant ethical theories and sustainability models (Wood, 199: 691).


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the way of conducting business for companies that are characterized by impacts into all aspects of their activities including their customers, employees, shareholders, local communities, environment and society in general. This means the enforcement of national legislation and international social, labor, environmental and human rights, and any other voluntary action that the company wants to take to improve the quality of life for its employees, the communities in which it operates and society as a whole. Social responsibility is the way to conduct the business of a company so that this becomes co-responsible for social development (Thompson& Smith, 1991). A socially responsible company is one that has the ability to listen to the interests of different parties (shareholders, employees, suppliers of services , providers, consumers, community, government and environment) and incorporated in the planning of their activities, seeking to meet the demands of not only all of the shareholders or owners.

There is no single definition of what CSR means, because usually this depends on the culture, religion or tradition of each society. There is no one size fits all, so you must design and one for each case and need. CSR is the continuing commitment of business to behave ethically and contribute to development while improving the economic quality of life for employees and their families and local community and society in general. CSR is essentially a concept whereby companies decide voluntarily to contribute to a better society and a cleaner environment.

In practice, social responsibility is a way of assuming the leadership strategy of the company. It is a holistic approach to organizational management. They are not philanthropic, disconnected from the dynamics of the company and its environment. CSR seeks greater worker commitment to the goals and mission of the company to increase productivity, seeks a stable community with good levels of health and education to provide themselves with skilled labour and ensure its long-term sustainability (Grayson & Hodges, 2002). Similarly, TESCO is also aimed at fulfilling its corporate social responsibility, which is does by way of the some major steps that it takes. The awareness of corporate social responsibility on the recognition that company is not only an institution that sells products or services for profit, but depending on the environment, its activities are necessarily influenced by it too is essential. It is often said that the company must be an entity of nature with a social mission of service to the community and with great solidarity and concern for the collective ...
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