Terrorism & Media

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Terrorism & Media


Terrorism is the use of violence to achieve political objectives. Since 1970's there was an overflow of terrorist attacks organized by different groups for achieving political goals. They ranged from attacks by the Irish Republican Army in search of independence of Ireland to attacks apparently without meaning, without an enemy in front, as the explosion of the TWA plane English planned by Muslim terrorists.

Terrorism is the most important issue facing our world today. To strengthen and expand current efforts of our government to combat terrorism, we urgently need more fundamental approach, which eliminates the very basis of terrorism and prevent terrorist acts before they begin. In the aftermath of the tragic events of September 11 and the military strikes on Afghanistan, the danger of machine endless cycle of violence and retribution. To prevent future terrorist acts, what should be done?

Terrorism is mainly used by political groups who have left the path of legality to face their opponents. These groups are usually too weak to directly confront his enemy, who is usually the State. You could identify a terrorist within the borders of a State and terrorism that transcends the boundaries of a State and not is directed against the sovereign state from which the terrorists but against a third country.

U.S. are affected by two types of terrorism, both internally and externally. Motivated terrorism against the U.S. Regime and carried out by U.S. citizens is emerging, or at least we have learned lately, the classic example is the Oklahoma City bombing of April 19, 1995. But this attack, apparently unusual, found after extensive research, the existence of a large number of Americans unhappy with their own government and willing to use violence to be heard. Otherwise we have with the secessionist attempts of farmers Texans even proclaimed their own republic which fought with blood and fire in recent months.

Despite the emergence of domestic terrorism, USA is more concerned about threats from abroad, by foreign terrorists that might affect the interests or U.S. Citizens. And the threat is still dormant despite the end of the Cold War.

It was thought during the Cold War the USSR and its allies encouraged terrorism. Often accusing the USSR and its allies equip and train terrorists as part of its strategy to promote socialist revolution throughout the world. It pointed to North Korea and Cuba as countries in which they trained "terrorists" (but rather were revolutionaries who fought for freedom in their countries) to serve in the wars of national liberation in the Third World. Thus, during the Cold War to terrorism was understood as another front in the bipolar conflict, many times it was so, but not all.

Terrorism was sometimes proved more oppressive conditions of a conflict between the powers. There were regions, such as the Arab world, where terrorism is not just explaining the conflict from the U.S. - USSR There, the conditions of domination and religious inspiration inaugurated a period of holy war, war against ...
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