Technology Transfer

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Technology Transfer

Technology Transfer

Part 1

What is the development activity being presented?

Technology and culture problematique is presented in this content. It tells us that when transfer of technology takes place through trade, then as a result, successful imitation shifts the competitive edge or advantage in favor of the production of copied or imitated products. However, stronger Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) protection in developed countries decreases imitation in developing countries such as China and India. At the same time increased innovation in developed countries such as United States and Germany in the short run, since innovation offers more incentive and becomes more profitable. In the long run, although innovation in developed countries may fall, as new products are produced for a longer time period in those countries, lesser resources are at disposal to stimulate and sustain innovation there. Some technologist and economic experts are of the view that these gains and benefits of technology transfer in the long run might be offset increases in the production masking in developed countries. There are several benefits and gains of technology transfer, especially through weaker IPR protection in developing countries (Baark and Jamison, 1986). In this writing four phases of technological culture critique has been discussed. In first phase technological culture critique is seemed to be outdated by the upcoming technological development itself. Skill workers have to be confined to a particular location as critique was made which was later on over thrown by the spreading industries and factories. The era of first phase is considered between 1850s and 1860s. It was the error of those people who opposed mechanism. In the second phase people stopped opposing mechanism but they opposed the way mechanism was used. They thought that this will destroy their lives. In the third phase the criticism to the technology faded out with the increase in the technological products. This era was from 1890 to 20th century. In this era people criticized that technology is the cause of evil. Even a famous leader Ghandi opposes the technology and said it a western strategy to make their people slaves. In the last phase environmental extremist criticized that technology is rioting nature and has an adverse effect on the environment too.

Does this development activity directly affect women and men in the community?

Transfer of technology greatly influences the life and needs of men and women. This is due to the reason that people have to update themselves due ...
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