Technology And International Development At The Ywca

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Technology and International Development at the YWCA

Technology and International Development at the YWCA


Technology in the broad sense are a set of techniques, processes and materials used in any kind of activity, as well as the scientific descriptions of how different technical products are used in the narrow complex arrangements, operations and techniques to manufacture, maintain, and repair a product with a nominal quality and cost-effective manner, and due to the current level of development of science, technology and society in general.

International Development

International Development or global development is a concept that lacks a universally accepted definition, but is most widely used in the context of a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary human development and the development of greater quality of life for humans. It includes foreign aid, governance, health care , education and the reduction of the poverty , and gender equality, and disaster preparedness, infrastructure, and the economy , human rights, the environment and issues associated with these International Development is different from development simple in that specifically composed of institutions and policies that originated after the Second World War (Singer, 1964).


In a general sense sustainability could be explained as the capacity of supporting and maintaining or enduring a product. Ever since its appearance in the 1980's it has been integrated with the economic, social, and environmental dimensions. In the field of ecology sustainability describes the diverse biological systems.

Impact of technology on cultures and sub cultures

T he effects of globalization offer useful perspectives by which one can assess the impact of culture in national and international development. Globalization not only increases the sensitivity to differences, but also to the interdependencies. The technology joins the world in many ways. The money, ideas, information, knowledge, and the images move through the world almost instantly. Every moment in the history and complexity of social life open to a plurality of interpretations that occur within different trajectories. This diversity tests the resilience of society. Culture changes in response to the strategies of people to adapt. The purpose of this paper is to present the concept of culture and its role in the technological age, and examine their relevance in the economic and social development worldwide.

Technology, as part of the human environment, is always linked to culture. This not only includes methods of survival and production, but also the creation of language, sound, art, etc. His nature is ambivalent, as it accelerates the transfer of information and knowledge, and makes new concerns and problems such as the threat of nuclear weapons, environmental erosion and the use of clones. The mass media and computer, unite the world through their networks, but eliminate what is specific and challenge the survival of cultures that are the heart of every society. During the past decades, economic, technological and socio-political cultures have transformed the world. The world has gradually changed their attitudes about education, marriage, divorce, abortion, homosexuality, religious beliefs and practices, the issues that cause political conflict and the incentives that motivate people to ...