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Technology And Innovation Management: A Comparison Of Canon, Inc. And Apple

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[Technology and innovation management: A comparison of Canon, Inc. and Apple]



I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.


I, [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of this dissertation/thesis represent my own unaided work, and that the dissertation/thesis has not previously been submitted for academic examination towards any qualification. Furthermore, it represents my own opinions and not necessarily those of the University.

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Purpose-This paper contends that discovery can be best appreciated as an data method which is then concretised as a merchandise that encounters demand. Two very distinct companies, Canon Inc. and Apple Computer Inc., are utilised as case study illustrations. Innovation does not advance through ordered deduction, but rather is furthered by the use of metaphors and analogies. The bureaucratic and staid organisations of the firm can be disputed and broken up to supply the space for innovations to emerge. The leader's function in the innovating firm is as a catalyst and facilitator, not as an all-knowing despot. The significance of discovery is not only in the new merchandise, but furthermore the “ripple” consequences of innovations which can lift the firm into a self-renewal process.

Research design/methodology - This study contends that discovery can be best implicated as an data method that is then concretise as a outcome, which encounters distinct demands. The administration of discovery is a increasing and important subject in its own right. The obligations for the productive administration of expertise and discovery have become ever more diverse and tough throughout the past 200 years.

Findings - In the early phases, premier companies activated technological information, in alignment to slash charges and boost value of established goods through the introduction of mechanical innovations and analytical devices into constructing methods (Granstrand, 2007).

Limitations - The administration of Apple and Cannon Inc. has progressively wise that the science-based technological possibilities appearing in up to date commerce are applicable over a variety of living and new merchandise markets, and thus undoes up possibilities for what is now called 'related' merchandise diversification. As a outcome, expanding claims on business expertise administration of Apple and Cannon, Inc. The leader's and management's function in the innovating organisations is as a means and facilitator, not as an all-knowing oppressor.

Table of Contents





1.1. Aims of the Study1

1.2. Learning Outcomes1

1.3. Learning and Teaching Activities2

1.4. Research question3


2.1. Technology and Organisations4

2.2. Innovation and Innovation as a Source for Organisational Effectiveness9

2.3.Technology and the Dynamics of Competition9

2.4. Creative Destruction or Creative Accumulation?10

2.5. The Perils of Size and Specialisation13

2.6. Technology-Based Clusters14

2.7. Revolutions15

2.8. Incremental Revolutions16

2.9. Innovation Management and Technology: A Peek into the Future16

2.10. Knowledge Networks17

2.11. The Co-evolution of Technology and Organisation18


3.1. Approach to data collection20


4.1. Case study 1: The Canon Mini Copier—New product development and information creation23

4.2. Case study 2: Apple Computer and the development of the Macintosh30

4.3. Innovation as an organisational information creation process35



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