Team Work

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Team Work

Team Work


The success of every task depends upon the performances of the team members. The concepts of teams are rapidly being used around every task whether they are in the organization or in the research related activities, or in the educational sectors. The tasks are accomplished in more effective and efficient manner when the team members in it perform their individual duties effectively and sincerely. The efforts of team members in the teams are dependent upon the skills, capabilities, the decision powers and the critical thinking skills of the team members.

Team work involves the different types of people who have different set of skills and capabilities and the combination of their capabilities altogether makes the teamwork successful and efficient.

Categories of teams

There are two types of teams and their performances and significant impact upon the success of their tasks. The one team is the one that “works” and the other one is that that “does not work”. The team that works involves the team members that are dedicated towards their work and they work hard for the achievement of their common goal. Every team member work to maximize the efficiency of the work for the ultimate achievements the business goals and objectives.

The managers and team leaders manage their teams in way that motivate every team member for the achievement of their best level of outputs. The effective and efficient teamwork provides the success to the organizations and provides them the competitive advantages. In addition to it, an effective and efficient teamwork can provide the companies with the financial savings and innovations that can make the company distinctive in the market.

Characteristics of effective team

The characteristics of good team involve the following:

Participation with leaders: the team leaders are in charge to make sure the participation of every individual in the ...
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