Team Roles

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Analyse team roles and related behaviour

Analyse team roles and related behaviour


The Belbin Team Inventory is designed by Meredith Belbin to measure preference for nine Team Roles. The team roles suggest how an individual behaves in a team environment. A person may not necessarily follow one of these nine roles, as they are capable of adopting multiple roles in the organization as well (Belbin, 1981). The nine roles and their strengths and weakness are as follows:


The shaper is a leader that is driven by a huge amount of energy and the need to achieve. He is an individual that is task-focused and for him winning is the most important part in the game. The shaper is highly motivated and he makes sure that the team keeps its focus on the task and it is motivated enough to achieve it. It is his duty to shape things in a way that is favourable for its team to achieve. They love challenges and they push their limits to achieve their tasks.

They are known for their aggression and creating conflicts in reach to achieve their goals and tasks. According to Belbin, if there is more than one shaper than there is a prominent chance of a conflict and fight between them, as they all follow an aggressive approach. They get a little insensitive due to their aggressive nature which lowers their leadership skills.


The plant is a specialist that is unorthodox, creative and fully capable of generating ideas. They are dominant and they create original ideas and innovative solution with the help of their high IQ level and creative nature. They take radical approaches and they are more concerned with the problem and not the details.

If there are multiple Plants in a team than this can lead to misunderstandings. They have poor communicational skills and they miss the details.

Resource Investigator

The Resource Investigator helps in giving the team a boost of enthusiasm at the beginning of the project and they look out for the opportunities and develop contacts. They work as the connection of the team to the outside world and they are found always busy outside their room or on the phone. They are great negotiators and it is their task to make sure that they find the right connection to implement the plans created by the Plant. Enthusiasm and sociability are their key traits to perform their task in the team (Belbin, 1981)..

They are not the source of the original idea and they have the tendency to lose their momentum towards the end of the project.

Company worker/ implementer

They have the ability in turning the ideas and suggestions by their colleagues into positive actions. They are self-disciplined, efficient and have the tendency of delivering the results on time. They are very loyal to their company and team and they are classified as; practical, trusting, tolerant, tough- minded and they respect established traditions. They work at the position where they are given high responsibility.

They are conservative and they have problems adjusting to the situation due to their inflexible ...
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