Team Evaluation Summary

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Team Evaluation Summary

Team Evaluation Summary based on Survey Results

This summary presents the results for a survey that was conducted to analyze the creative process and work design approach of our team. The results obtained from the respondents show their level of creativity incorporated while undertaking various team projects, and the work designing approach that they undertake. The survey revealed important results in the context of analyzing team behaviors as they undertake different projects with a shared learning and sharing perspective. There were seven respondents or members of our team, from whom we collected the responses.

The results are summarized in chronological form; relating each question's responses to the other. The first question relates to the efficacy of the team's creative process that enables our team to achieve effective and creative results. The question received mixed results as an equal number of respondents (2 each) regarded the process as being effective and ineffective respectively. This leads to an equal support or argument on the subject that the team is not very effective as 2 people still believe it needs to improve. Two of the members of the team regarded it being neutrally effective while another one shared his views, being reasonably effective.

In the course of achieving creative results, it is highly important to know how the team members perceive the creativity degree of the team's current methods of generating ideas. 6 out of 7 members were of a positive view, stating that the method is somewhat neutrally effective, effective or very effective in generating relevant and creative ideas. There was one of the respondents who thought it was not effective in achieving desired results.

Our third question relates to finding the efficacy of ideas into workable products, for the same objective. The question received an overall positive result with 4 members (i.e. 57%) being highly satisfied with the method. There was only one member who was not satisfied with the method being effective.

The next response was related to bringing the product to a close and its efficiency in achieving creative results. The query obtained a generally positive result with 57% of the team members being satisfied with its efficiency. There were two members who thought it to be ineffective or neutrally effective.

It is necessary to develop an evaluation capability, whereby we should be able to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a team. 3 members were of the view that the teams possess “effective” capabilities to conduct evaluations post-implementation. 2 members of the team opined that it was “ineffective”.

The sixth question relates to finding the efficacy of work assignments in achieving desired results. 42% of the team members believed it to be effective in getting things done to creative results.

The next question relates to the appropriateness of leadership structure in guiding for creative efforts within the team. This question received an overall positive result where majority of the members considered it to appropriate.

The next responses are related to the climate with respect to the activities ...
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