Team Building

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Team building

Team building


Team building is one of the most important areas organizations concentrate on; it has become a buzzword in recent years, and has many benefits in term of high quality output delivery. In terms of corporate development, team-building exercises are essential, not for the instantaneous understanding of the activities, carried out by the team as well as for the group proficiencies, bonding and communication over a period of time. Such activities range from solving a puzzle together to a challenge to eat 500 Chocolates etc. Only aim of Team Building activities is to deliver a high-impact learning experience amongst all team members and deliver quality (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009).

When a conflict arises, an opportunity for growth dies. There are plenty of ways by which conflict can arise; two of the main reasons are miscommunication and incompatibility. Thus, the team-building approach makes compatibility among the employees at the workplace to overcome miscommunication and arising conflicts. In this paper, we will discuss team building exercise for conflict resolution. Moreover, we will also discuss its benefits at the workplace with respect to employee performance.


The major objectives of team-building are to resolve conflict, and advance motivation and productivity. Letting the employees go out for activities helps groups crash personal and political barriers, and eliminate distractions. The benefits of team-building programs are so significant that many corporations have incorporated team-building strategies into their standard training curriculum. Such training is mandatory for all new joiners and also at the time of change of levels and designations (Steven and Robin, 2008).

Once an organization decides to grant such learning's in the form of Team Building program, the question becomes: where to go and what to do? A group of few employees are working dedicatedly on such event planning and continuously keep searching for nice places in ...
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