Team Analysis Report

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Team Analysis Report

Team Analysis Report


Team development and its establishment are some of the most important factors and facets that revolve around the challenges and the problems that have been undertaken in line with organizational escalation and growth.

In the world of modern technology in which companies and organization continue to move onto the model of collaboration, team development is now becoming a rather common phenomenon, making it extremely important and effective for team collaboration and coordination to occur altogether.

Analysis and Discussion upon Team Development

Considering the challenges and the problems that is under discussion, three (3) members took up and made way for taking up and executing their designated duties and responsibilities while working and performing in a group.

Being the leader, Dominance is one key trait that I particularly showed while working upon the speech. This is because direction is needed when it comes to executing work and delegating responsibilities onto the people and the work that needs to completed within given deadlines (Rickards & Moger, 2000).

It is necessary and extremely that one person, aware of the task at hand and the responsibility that comes with it, needs to take a stand and work out an action plan, a blueprint which would influence and persuade other team members to contribute their work and monitor their individual and collective performance in the form of task completion.

Group member A came across as Influential, who displayed traits of being open to experience, being unique and creative in their own given area and continue to make an understanding in their own distinct way to assess the degree of the situation that is at hand.

On the other hand, Group B came across as someone who displayed Steadiness - who undertook all ideas and suggestions with a positive note and continue to yield ...
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