Teaching Brochure- Obesity

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Teaching Brochure- Obesity

Teaching Brochure- Obesity

Access To Health Care Services

The conditions of obesity among the people is growing with a fast pace that is leading to the mortality and comorbidities issues. The increasing health risks related to the prevalence of obesity has made it vital for the obese people to have a sufficient access to health care services. The obese people are required to have a consistent use of medical and health care services in order to reduce the risks of obesity and the severe conditions associated with obesity. The health care providers can provide optimal health care solutions to the obese people in order to remove the barriers that come underway during the treatment procedures of obese people. Sometimes people themselves delay the process of treatment or preventions which is likely to produce increased risks of health and lead to the prevalence of certain diseases among them. The health care providers including the hospital staff needs to motivate the obese patients and ensure the respect of such people for providing optimal health and medical care to them. The presence of required supplies and equipments increases the access of health care to the patients.

The Role Of The Public Health Nurse

Nurses play a key role in dealing with the problem of obesity in most of the people. The public health nurses can promote the use of healthy lifestyle that needs to adopt by the people who are at a risk of obesity and obesity related health issues. Some of the steps that could be taken by public health nurses to prevent the disease of overweight and obesity may include.

Promotion of the benefits of healthy diet

Motivating the people towards regular physical exercise and other physical activities in order to prevent obesity and weight gain

Awareness of people regarding the use of regular meals and the benefits associated with it. Sometimes people think that dieting means eating nothing all the day in order to lose weight. However, actually it leads to the severe health problems rather than preventing obesity

The public health nurses needs to promote the benefits and advantages of proper nutrition and counseling sessions related to weight and nutrition

Nurses should provide health information related to the weight of a person that could help in preventing obesity among them

Treatment Regimen

The treatment of obesity depends upon the specifications of individual patient. The treatment schedule and type needs to be recommended by the physicians depending upon the weight and stage of obesity of the patient. Some of the treatment plans include.

Self directed exercise and diet by the patient when the body mass index of the patient is below 27 kg / m2. Such patients are appropriately defined as overweight rather than obese. They can consult a physician and get proper counseling to prevent obesity

Patients having a body mass index greater than 30 kg / m2 should be treated with counseling and diet plans. They can also be dealt with a behavioral weight loss plan that could help in reducing the weight and preventing from ...
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