It is important that teachers provide those opportunities to encourage their learners by being clear on what they expect from them and by providing activities that will encourage the student to learn. One of the most fundamental aspects of life and the world of academia is teacher's encouragement. Teacher's encouragement is the disposition of reasons that help individual learners to engage in a particular activity or behavior. The presence of teacher's encouragement in our lives helps us accomplish tasks and achieve goals and to become more autonomous and independent learners. In today's society, children are either intrinsically or extrinsically encouraged. In the article Intrinsic Teacher's encouragement in Schizophrenia: Relationships to Cognitive Function, Depression, Anxiety, and Personality by Deanna M. Barch stated, intrinsic teacher's encouragement is defined as the doing of an activity for the inherent satisfaction of the activity itself. Behaviors that are positively reinforced are likely to be repeated (Adams 2004 224). Those who are intrinsically encouraged to accomplish their achievement or to improve their performance will have a plan that will help achieve their goals. There are three dimensions of teacher's encouragement traits, personal mastery, competitive excellence, and teacher's encouragement related, that might affect the person in accomplishing their goals. Personal mastery is an individual wanting to learn new skills and will set standards or goals to master the new skills. Competitive excellence is an individual being competitive with others and likes to compare their performance with their classmates. Lastly, teacher's encouragement related is an individual who focus on the consequences of failing. Consequently, research shows that the traits of personal mastery and competitive excellence are more strongly related to enhanced performance on laboratory-based cognitive tasks than is teacher's encouragement related to anxiety. (Barch 2008 776)
In addition to co-operative learning techniques, other factors can influence the life of the adolescent student. The leading cause of dropouts is linked to school-related, economic, family-related, peer-related and personal reasons. Studies have shown that high school dropout rates are associated with low-income families, male (unless the female is pregnant), ethnic minorities and urban environments. In addition, high school dropouts have more disciplinary problems, lower rates of homework completion, lower self-esteem, lower educational expectations and an externalised sense of control. It appears that in order to reduce dropout rates and improve learning and teacher's encouragement, the factors mentioned above must be reversed. Perhaps the strengthening of schools could begin by bridging gaps between school and work. In order to achieve, learners need to see value in education (Edward 2009 129). Communities need to establish clear goals for school completion, youth employment in order to strengthen our schools and reduce dropouts. In order to achieve the strengthening of youth such programs must include monitored work experiences, community and neighbourhood services, school volunteer programs, guarantee of continuing education, acquisition of basic skill needed for a variety of jobs, career information and counselling. Thus far, I have discussed a number of ideas that affect adolescent learning, ...