This network architecture is defined between 1977 and 1983 by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) to promote the creation of a series of standards that specify a set of protocols independent of any manufacturer, it is intended not to favor none at the time to develop implementations of the relevant protocols, which inevitably would have happened if he had taken some of the existing architectures such as SNA (Systems Network Architecture) IBM or DNA (Digital Network Architecture) Digital. He hoped to convert the OSI protocols in authentic Esperanto of such networks.
The OSI model defines seven layers, curiously like SNA architecture, but the functionality is different. The layers are:
Application Layer
This layer is called "Application Layer" because it includes services that the user final are used to using a computer network, so the protocols of this layer are called services.
Presentation Layer
This layer is responsible for performing the necessary conversions to ensure that these bits are presented to the user as expected
Session Layer
This is the first layer is user-friendly and most basic is its interface with the network, in a multiuser system, the session layer is responsible for SAP provide each user to access the transport layer.
Transport Layer
The transport layer is the first which is responsible for directly communicating terminal nodes using one subnet and transparent means of transport, thanks to the services obtained from the network layer. Its main function is adequately fragmenting the data received from the session layer so that they can be transferred to the network layer.
Network Layer
This layer deals with the control of the subnet, it is said that this layer is the one with "conscience" of the network topology, and is responsible to decide which route is done by sending the information. It should be noted that the functions of the network layer, apart from the aforementioned to choose the route, traffic control to avoid congestion or jamming situations must also be able to do traffic accounting tasks as required .
Link layer
The main function of this layer d links is to provide a reliable communication from the services you receive from the physical layer, also between two adjacent network entities. This makes it possible to perform detection and error correction.
Physical layer
This layer's main function, transmit the bits between two directly connected nodes; it may be a point-to-point ...