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Introduction of TASERS within NJ Law Enforcement Agencies

Executive Summary

Law Enforcement agencies across the country are slowly beginning to integrate tasers into their arsenals. The Taser is designed to deploy an electrical shock which, if administered correctly will temporarily incapacitate a person. The short electrical pulse emitted by the Taser renders most people ineffective by disabling their muscle control. This allows police officers to refrain from using other more lethal weapons, such as their baton or firearm when controlling a suspect. Although many states across the country are utilizing the Taser, New Jersey is not one of them. The state is currently in the process of implementing some forms of less than lethal weaponry and it is my intent to show why the Taser should be one of them. This paper discusses the background, current thinking of the usage of Tasers. The paper also demonstrates a strategic plan for utilizing Tasers by the police officials.

Table of Contents

Executive Summaryii



Current Thinking3

Argument In Favor of Usage of Taser3

Argument against Usage of Tasers4

Strategic Plan for using Tasers6

Education and Training6

Standard Operating Procedures7

Taser's Usage Procedures7

The Continuum of Force8

1.Phase 1: Passive Interference8

2.Phase 2: Verbal Command8

3.Phase 3: Physical Coercion9

4.Phase 4: Less then Lethal Force9

5.Phase 5: Usage of Deadly Force10

SWOT Analysis10







Introduction of TASERS within NJ Law Enforcement Agencies


The use of unnecessary force by law enforcement officials in the line of duty has been a cause of concern in the society. With some unknown severity and frequency, police officials use different type of physical and verbal force in performing their daily duties of enforcing the law and maintaining order. How and when the police use and do not use physical force influence the immediate accomplishment of police function. The proper usage of force and less than lethal weapons is necessary for every law official to understand. For this purpose, it is necessary to utilize such weapons which do not harm the officials, the criminal or any other individuals.


Tasers can be utilized by the police officials. The Taser is designed to deploy an electrical shock which, if administered correctly will temporarily incapacitate a person. The short electrical pulse emitted by the Taser renders most people ineffective by disabling their muscle control. This allows police officers to refrain from using other more lethal weapons, such as their baton or firearm when controlling a suspect. Law enforcement officials started using Tasers in 1974. These early models used gunpowder to shoot two “dart-like” wires that would stick to a person's skin and administer an electrical charge resulting in a disruption of superficial muscle functions. The early versions of stun guns did not prove to be successful in situations where an individual was extremely aggressive or physically challenging (Greenfield et al, 1997). These models were found to be ineffective when an individual was wearing heavy clothing because the darts would not get to the skin.

In the late 1990s more powerful and effective versions of these weapons were developed. Taser International is the only manufacturer of the Taser ...
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