Tablet In India

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Tablet in India

Tablet in India


This paper intends to discuss the changing technologies environment in relation with the threats and opportunities to the outsourcing of production from India for Tablet. The current national and international issues concerning the Tablet Market will also be observed. The purpose of this paper is to make the reader aware about the significance of underlying changes being made to the market of Tablet.


Apple's iOS provides compatibility between its smart phones and tablets. Android takes the same approach, but each Android smart phone and tablet is responsible for delivering and updating its operating system, leading to a wider level of compatibility concerns between systems. Windows is an interesting case. Windows on a smart phone isn't the same as Windows on a PC, but the operating systems all carry the Microsoft and Windows names. Microsoft also has a version of Windows for smart phones with ancestry that started with Windows CE, which targeted the Arm platform among other non-x86 targets.

Microsoft covers all the bases, but with an extremely varied set of solutions. Apple covers smart phones and tablets with one operating system. Android covers smart phones, tablets, and just about any other embedded device you can think of, from robots to coffee makers. Arm is the dominant processor architecture used with tablets, but Android runs on all major processor architectures including MIPS, Power, and x86. If the target can run Linux, which Android is based on, then it's a candidate for Android.

Programming support for such a range of operating-system platforms is due to the move of many applications to programming frameworks based on just-in-time (JIT) compilation including Java and C#. Windows has this type of support from C# and other languages, but native code applications will be the pull for users of Windows 8 tablets. Still, ...
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