In order to be successful, the fledgling firm will have to incorporate modern technology into function of its office. Whether you are looking for necessary hardware to start your firm off on right foot, or looking for latest software upgrades to maximize your office efficiency, sections below will get you to latest news and updates for appropriate legal technology. (Hannon p.12)
Many solo practitioners and small law firms underestimate how much technology can increase their efficiency if used correctly from beginning. (Dullea p.32)
A law firm is in business of collecting data, processing information and disseminating knowledge. Unfortunately, numerous little to mid-sized regulation firms find themselves being interred in paper, drowned in data and experiencing analysis paralysis because of information overload. Many legal professionals identify computer as cause for this inefficiency. A computer is merely the toolbox. If it is being used inefficiently, it means that tools are being used incorrectly. Word processing, document assembly and case management software are to legal professionals as the hammer, saw and screwdriver are to the carpenter. In and of themselves, these devices do nothing. But in hands of skilled professionals they are indispensable in getting job done. It is imperative that legal professionals master tools of their trade. (Harper p.105)
Law firm efficiency is achieved when lawyers, paralegals, legal assistants and legal secretaries learn to use computer more proficiently. They must first hone their skills with these software tools and then utilize them to create the more efficient work flow and effectively manage firm's legal knowledge. Knowledge is power, but only when it can be accessed, retrieved, and utilized when needed. (Smith p.59)
Computer Proficiency
Many legal professionals use computer as if it were the typewriter. Thus, workflow effectiveness cannot be accomplished until rudimentary abilities are wise or reinforced. For example, lawful professionals should understand:
File management is foundation of computing
Word processing is not typing
WordPerfect or Word
Windows Basics
Document Assembly Basics
Case Management Basics
Document Management Basics
Online Legal Research
When conducting legal online research, legal professionals must know following:
The difference between the search engine and the portal
Perform an implied Boolean search in the search engine such as
Utilize lawful search engines and lawful portals
Conduct Boolean explorations using Lexis or Westlaw
Analyze the web site to judge its authenticity and its reliability
Pbook web sites of interest for subsequent use
Utilize e-mail efficiently
Workflow Efficiency
Once legal professional has the solid foundation of computer basics and is proficient in both its use and in conducting legal online research, then workflow must be managed. This will include following skills: understand:
Setting up your e-mail system to screen out email that is important from those that are junk
Integrate word processing software with document assembly software and case management software to create documents using information about the client already entered into computer
Create processes and systems so that your work flows in firm from those who collect data to those that process information to those that disseminate knowledge