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Main body3

Unexploded Ordnance4

Political Situation5

Foreign Relations6

Economic Conditions8


Works cited10

Cultural factor brought from Laos to the USA


The United States and the Lao People's Democratic Republic (LPDR), a small, largely agrarian Southeast Asian country ruled by a communist government, cooperate in many areas despite ideological differences and U.S. concerns about the ethnic Hmong minority. The slow warming of bilateral relations reflect efforts by the U.S. government to pay more attention to Southeast Asia in general and by the Lao government to broaden its foreign ties as China becomes more influential in the region. The U.S. government has embarked upon a policy of economic engagement with Laos, expanding technical assistance to the Lao government to build its capacity to implement trade agreements and modernize its legal and regulatory framework: “This is probably the most important action the U.S. Government can currently take to influence the future direction of Laos' policy.”

In June 2009, the Obama Administration removed the prohibition on U.S. Export-Import Bank financing for U.S. companies seeking to do business in Laos, citing Laos' commitment to opening its markets. In other areas of the relationship, the U.S. government has noted progress and bilateral cooperation. In 2008, the United States and Laos exchanged defense attachés (the first time in over 30 years). Although substantial restrictions on civil rights and political freedoms remain, fewer human rights abuses have been reported in recent years. The country was upgraded to Tier 2 on the U.S. State Department's trafficking in persons list in 2007, and in 2008-2009 the Lao government “demonstrated some progress in its anti-trafficking law enforcement.”

However, Laos increasingly has become a transit area for the trafficking of Vietnamese, Chinese, and Burmese women destined for Thailand. Bilateral cooperation on counter-narcotics activities has contributed to a 96% decline in opium production between 1998 and 2007, although smuggled methamphetamine use reportedly has risen among Lao youth.4 Major areas for U.S. policy consideration include urging the Lao government to accept international monitoring of the resettlement of former Hmong militia members and returnees from Thailand; increasing assistance for de-mining activities; granting trade preferences or tariff relief for Lao products, particularly garments; and developing programs for sustainable management of the Mekong River.

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The United States provides relatively little foreign assistance to Laos. U.S. State Department funding for foreign operations programs in Laos in FY2009 was estimated to be $5.0 million compared to $5.8 million in 2008. By comparison, the United States provided neighboring Cambodia, a country of similar economic development, roughly $65 million in FY2009. The largest aid programs in Laos focus on de-mining and counternarcotics programs. New programs include those strengthening the country's legal and regulatory framework and trade capacity. Other, ongoing areas of U.S. assistance and bilateral cooperation include HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, military education (training in English language and military professionalism), and the recovery of Americans missing in action (MIAs).5 U.S. public diplomacy programs in Laos include support for libraries, providing access to international news and Western media, English language training, sponsoring Lao government officials studying in ...
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