System Of Education In Wales

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System Of Education In Wales

System Of Education In Wales

Secondary Education

Secondary education is compulsory and is a pedagogical and organizational unit aimed at the adolescents and youth who have completed the primary education level.

Secondary education is divided into two cycles: a basic cycle of character common to all orientations and a cycle-oriented, diversified in nature as different areas of knowledge, social and work world. Its objectives are:

a) provide ethics training to enable the students serve as subjects aware of their rights and obligations practicing pluralism, cooperation and solidarity, respecting human rights, reject all forms of discrimination, prepare for exercise of democratic citizenship and preserve natural and cultural heritage.

b) Being responsible persons, who are able to use knowledge as a tool to understand and constructively transform their social, economic, environmental and cultural, and position themselves as active participants as in a changing world.

c) Develop and strengthen each student's study skills, learning and research, individual and team work, effort, initiative and responsibility, as necessary conditions for access to employment, higher education and education throughout lifetime.

d) To develop language skills, oral and written Spanish language and understand and speak a foreign language.

e) Promoting access to knowledge as integrated knowledge through the different areas and disciplines that constitute it and their main problems, contents and methods. (Maden & Hillman, 1996)

f) Developing skills for understanding and intelligent and critical use of new languages produced in the field of information technology and communication.

g) Linking learners to the world of work, production, science and technology.

h) Develop processes for vocational guidance to enable a proper career choice and vocational students.

i) Encourage artistic creativity, free expression, aesthetic pleasure and understanding of the various manifestations of culture.

j) Promote training and motor body through physical education in accordance with the requirements of comprehensive development process of adolescents.

The Education Reform Act of 1988 (Education Reform Act) provides that All schools in England and Wales teach the national curriculum, which consists three core subjects: English, mathematics and science, and seven basic: tech- gia, geography, history, foreign languages, art, music and physical education. These materials will be introduced to 10 over a period of several years. In the course 1989-1990 began to be taught English, mathematics, science and technology, technology, and in 199 1, geography and history.

The national curriculum is divided into four stages that eleven years 10s compulsory schooling, between 5 and 10s 10s 16. In most parts of England 10s & Wales students go from elementary to middle to high 10s 11. The Stages 1 and 2 refer to primary education, and 3 and 4 to high school. The contents of each field is divided into ten levels 10s to 10s students iran going to 10 throughout their education. In the case of geography, following table shows the correspondence between stages, ages, classes and levels.

The decree that develops the rules for each of the materials has two main components: 10s final objectives (Attainment Targets) and 10s Programs (Programmes of Study). Between them provide 10 goals 10s to be ...
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