The typical life cycle of a system begins with a seed: an idea. Someone in the organization, some “champion” perhaps, initiates the idea that a new technology or computer application can improve the efficiency or the effectiveness of the organization. He or she then attempts to enlighten others in the organization about the benefits of the new idea. If that happens, then the idea transforms into an analysis of the situation. Once the system becomes operational and enters this maintenance phase, the project is declared a success.
Usually, IS technology is initiated in an organization by a “champion,” a high-level existing employee who has general credence among the key people in the organization, has been exposed to IS technology, and has the vision of how his or her organization can benefit from its adoption. The champion can be the head of information technology (IT), a department head, or even the CEO of the organization who has heard about IS from a colleague, a conference, a publication, or other medium. Once the champion becomes aware of the technology, he or she then initiates action to investigate whether or not it should be adopted in the organization. This is the beginning of the life cycle: the initiation of the project.
The analysis phase of the system development life cycle has a goal of determining whether the innovation will work for this specific organization. While the champion found that the innovation has proven beneficial to other organizations, it takes some detailed analyses to ensure (and also prove to others in the organization) that it will work in this organization. Strategic analyses are necessary in order for the project to be accepted and moved to the tactical (design) stage: the feasibility study and costbenefit study are two of the most ...