Sustainable Marketing

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Sustainable Marketing

Sustainable Marketing


Marketing includes a set of skills that enable companies generally sell more stuff for more people to get a larger share of the market. Usually these skills are portable: it does not matter what is going on between them sold on the market. The social and business consequences of the things that are still being marketed, for the vast majority of people in the field of marketing, and even irrelevant to a large extent in recent times. The idea of sustainable marketing is certainly a kind of irony. As it's supposed that the sources of earth aren't limitless and coming to an end, also threatening of the environmental problems to the human health and ecosystem put the governments, civil social organizations and consumers in action. In order to find a solution many countries collaborate and determine common policies in international area.

Factors such as population growth, global warming, threatening the future of human beings, exhaustion of natural resources that have attracted world attention to sustainable marketing. In many national and international areas, many government and non-governmental organization has started to develop co-operation with each other to seek common solutions to environmental problems.

Sustainability Marketing

Sustainable marketing includes a set of ideas, principles, values and attitudes and practices that enable individuals and organizations to improve the quality of their lives in ways that protect and promote the same time the Earth life support systems, in other words, without destroying the planet. At the very least, it can mean consuming more business responsible ways and socially. Increasingly, business development and investment in sustainable marketing strategies, and often are not built entirely by the marketing departments. This result means that the mixed messages are transferred to the shareholders and stakeholders alike. There is a real need to join a sustainable strategy for business development and marketing departments that drive this strategy forward. True definition of sustainable marketing is quite difficult. Yet defining sustainable marketing is not a simple task. Indeed the terminology used in this area has varied, it includes: Sustainable marketing, Sustainable marketing and Ecological Marketing. Up to date, the studies carried out under a multi-title but now these are carried out under the heading of sustainable marketing (Elkington, 1999). While sustainable marketing came into prominence in the late 1980s and early 1990s, it was first discussed much earlier. Description must be compatible in the formations of time changes. Terms like Phosphate Free, Recyclable, Refillable, Ozone Friendly, and Environmentally Friendly are some of the things consumers most often associate with sustainable marketing (Figge, 2002). Today's some of green concept may lose its importance year after year. For instance, saving bulbs firstly introduced as environmentally friendly in the world; however, in the light of today's technology, unfortunately it is accepted as a hazardous substance that damage to human health.

Concept of sustainable marketing

The social responsibility is an approach which is focused on the customers and it takes into account the business problems, and its long term welfare ( Jones, ...
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