Sustainable Development

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Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development


According to the definition of UN, sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of development for future generations. Sustainability is about the scarcity of resources with which wealth is produced, both at present and in the future. The surface of the earth is finite, resources and capacity of the atmosphere and our natural environment has its limits.


The terms sustainability and sustainable use originate from the forest . Later, they were also used in fisheries biology. In both cases, the meaning was related to concepts of ecology . It was necessary to manage such a nature that the natural structures and processes were not fundamentally affected. The respect of this "usage" means that future generations can continue to make use of.

Sustainable development is therefore an ideal balance between ecological , economic and social interests. All developments in technological, economic, ecological, political or social level contribute to a healthy earth with wealthy residents and a well functioning ecosystem that is sustainable.

'Sustainable development' is the core concept in the report 'Our Common Future, "which was released in 1987 by the UN -Brundtland Commission. This report is also known as the Brundtland Report, named after the former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland , who chaired this committee. Brundtland made a clear connection between economic growth, environmental issues and poverty. The report states that poverty is an obstacle to sustainable use of natural environment and integration of conservation and economic development necessary for sustainable development.

Another milestone was the Biodiversity Convention of Rio de Janeiro in 1992. The Member States agreed at the UN conference, to new policy development for environment and development. In 2002, the largest UN conference to date was held at the WSSD in Johannesburg, South Africa .

During these conferences, it was determined that it is not obvious that the current prosperity in Western countries until the end of time on the same high level can be maintained. This is due to the scarcity of resources, which we therefore deal to justify. We serve all of our resources to use efficiently and more economically to jump with biodiversity energy. We must invest in knowledge and education, so that technologies can be developed for later generations with minimal use of scarce resources and fossil energy (O'Riordan, Voisey, 1998, pp.87-89).

Sustainability is characterized by large uncertainties about the future. In long term, the sustainability increases as the country faces more and more issues. Especially when it comes to the demographics, technological developments and the capacity of the ecosystems.

The goal of sustainable development is to define viable projects and reconcile economic, social, and environmental aspects. The "three pillars" that must be considered by the community, including both businesses and individuals are:

Economic sustainability is when the environmental and social sustainability is financially feasible and profitable.

Social sustainability: It is based on the maintenance of social cohesion and its ability to work in pursuit of common ...
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