I would like to take this chance for thanking my research facilitator, friends & family for support they provided & their belief in me as well as guidance they provided without which I would have never been able to do this research.
I, (Your name), would like to declare that all contents included in this thesis/dissertation stand for my individual work without any aid, & this thesis/dissertation has not been submitted for any examination at academic as well as professional level previously. It is also representing my very own views & not essentially which are associated with university.
An eco town is a town which is ecologically healthy town. Eco-towns is a new concept with advanced technologies that will eventually become standard if we are to build new communities which will stand the test of time and climate change. This is a need of the time that government officials and private sector sit together and make sure the sustainability of eco towns. The desire and need for a more ecological way of life is not new but a new wave of interest is currently spreading for Eco-cities, eco-towns and eco-communities and this is now a priority for the United Kingdom.
Aim(s) and objectives4
Ecological Design5
Green Towns or Eco Towns8
Concept of Regeneration in Europe9
Appropriateness of Green Design10
Sustainablity of Green Dsesign11
Eco-Housing Development12
Concept of Deep Green Design14
Research Design17
Literature Search18
Capacity to Sustain19
Community Housing22
Case studies23
Eco Towns in United Kingdom24
Requirements for Building Eco Towns26
Conflict resolution27
Management of Stake Holders28
Involvement of Leadership And Communities29
Implementation of new green technologies30
The recent Eco-town Program of British government represents a oncept which shows a way according to which housing and new communities should be developed in the United Kingdom. The program seeks to address the principles of sustainable development, build sustainable communities and achieve sustainable living through new urban development's and expansions. It seeks to balance smarter land use, housing construction, access to public transport and local work; with social integration and principles of social inclusion and affordability. State-of-the-art green building, energy and transport technologies and materials are to be used in an urban development context. The task is to ensure zero-carbon housing and that energy efficiencies are achieved through waste reduction, energy conservation technologies and use of more sustainable sources of energy. Eco-towns are to be the communities of the future. (Papanek, 1992, 106-162)
The search for a more sustainable way of life is not new but a new momentum of interest is currently spreading across Europe. The Bristol Accord (ODPM, 2005), agreed by the European Union twenty-seven member states in 2005, established the fundamental concepts of sustainable communities and there has been an increasing interest and commitment to a new European strategy, as well as new national programs. Eco towns are one example of sustainable communities and in the United Kingdom, the eco-town program is as important as the garden cities and new towns programs. An important starting point has to be the need to avoid the same mistakes we made ...