Surface Treatment Processes

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Surface treatment processes

Surface treatment processes


In the given case scenario, there are number of surface treatment processes which can be utilized to produce high quality fishing hooks and match the competitors. Three of them are analyzed below.

Methods of surface treatment

The object of this invention is to provide a simple, inexpensive surface treatment capable of improving the strength and smoothness of fishing off the pieces of steel alloy that contains chromium. The surface treatment method of fishing gear of alloy steel containing chromium according to the present invention is characterized in that the surface of fishing equipment from chrome alloy steel containing is nitrided to form a diffuse layer of nitride of chromium from the surface to the interior of the party, then said surface is coated with a layer of titanium nitride (Degarmo¸2003).

Furthermore, another embodiment of surface treatment method of fishing gear of alloy steel containing chromium according to the present invention is characterized in that the surface of fishing equipment from chrome alloy steel containing covered with a layer of titanium nitride, and then the surface layer of titanium nitride is nitrided to form a diffuse layer of chromium nitride surface into the party.


Nitriding used in this invention is a low-pressure gas nitriding method using the principle of diffusion of nitrogen atoms in an oven at low pressure. In this method of nitriding gas NH 3 and a promotion nitride (such as gas Rx) (brand name Co. combustion surface Japan) was placed in an oven full of fishing gear parts alloy steel containing chromium in pressure has been reduced, then the oven is heated to between 480 and 550 ° C. and maintained at that temperature for 3 to 5 hours for the nitrogen diffuses into the chromium alloy steel containing, the base material to form compounds with chromium in the alloy.

In the nitriding treatment used in this invention, nitrogen penetrates and diffuses into the raw material from the surface inward, the bond with chromium in the base material and forms a diffuse layer of chromium nitride, as small change in size, such as deformation, expansion etc., occurs in the base material. Using this method, the surface of the steel alloy containing chromium can be strengthened greatly. The depth of the building, i.e. the diffuse layer of chromium nitride can be controlled by adjusting the treatment temperature and time of treatment. Furthermore, parts with complex shapes and deep holes, thin wires, etc, can be strengthened in a uniform manner. Also, with this method, the strength decreases gradually into the surface; there is no loss or scaling of the surface layer.

As mentioned above, the nitriding of chromium nitride formed by a reaction between the chromium present in the alloy steel and introduced NH 3, so that the treated alloy steel must contain chromium. The treatment can be performed on parts of alloy steel containing chromium in a chromium content of 3 percent or more by weight. The chromium content should not be less than 3 percent by ...
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