Comparison and Contrast of Supernatural as a Key Element of Gothic Texts
Comparison and Contrast of Supernatural as a Key Element of Gothic Texts
There are different genres of texts which classified on the basis of their different features and elements. One of these genres is the gothic text which has its own characteristic elements which are different from other genres on the basis of its special elements ( The gothic text means any form of literary piece, such as novel, play, story, or poem which contains element of supernatural in it. It does not matter that which form of literary expression is chosen or whichever language is used, the most important thing is the use of the elements, which create the effect of horror or contains events beyond imagination ( Supernatural elements are also an important part of the theology and myths and in most of the texts there are some elements of divine miracles. This concept is common in the religious texts like catholic literature. There are different writers who are known for the use of these supernatural elements in their texts. These belong to different backgrounds and beliefs and this affects their writing styles and expression of the supernatural elements in it.
One of the most famous English writers, John Keats uses various supernatural elements in texts in a way, that it provides certain sense of chillness without trying to impose the horror in it. On the other hand Edger Ellen Poe is an American writer who provides all the elements of horror and from the very beginning he provides the maximum use of all the supernatural elements in his stories (Kremser,2010, p.13). Another gothic writer is Sarah whose writing style is very different from the other two writers. The comparison and contrast of these writers also assist in understanding the difference of supernatural elements in their texts as well as it assist in understanding the effect on the use of these elements in different perspectives and beliefs on the basis of their geographical discriminations. Another important aspects is the comparison of the expression if these elements on the basis of difference in gender. Apart from all these basis of comparison there are also important perspective to understand use of these elements with respect to different time and period (Kremser,2010, p.13).. The comparison and contrast of all these elements also assist in looking for differences and similarities of expression in two different gothic texts by the same writer.
Thesis Statement
The supernatural is a key element of gothic texts, comparison and contrast of different gothic texts by different writers shows different ways of using these elements in their texts.
Gothic Text
To understand the elements of gothic texts and to attain the complete knowledge of the use of supernatural elements in the gothic it is essential to understand the concept of gothic text. Gothic literature is generally deals with the combination of different elements of virtues and vices in the supernatural way. It expresses power and unnatural elements combined with ...