The paper encompasses the summaries of the three articles based on the art. The three articles that will be discussed are “Editor's Comments”, “Tilted arc: Destroyed” and “The commissioning of a work of public sculpture. The article will also make a response for the role of artist, public agency and public towards the understanding of art.
Editor's Comments
The Editor's comments: Creativity and Confusion, is an article which raises the concerns of editor towards the issue of society losing its ability to distinguish between art and antics. The idea behind the article is to understand the confusion regarding nature of the creativity in the present art community. Creativity and abandon cannot be equated together as a purposeful abnormality. Editor claimed that the society of art has now been messed, disordered, distasteful and chaotic due to this wrong confusion towards creativity. Many unconventional artists have been great artists being very creative indeed. There is a general perception regarding such creative people, that these peoples contribute creativeness through abnormality, substance abuse or anti social behaviour. However, creativity and abnormality do not have cause and effect relationship on one another. This is no doubt that creative vision is never a mess. There are many artists who have their own vision towards society and develop their own perception of it and represent it through their art. This is the manifestation of our limitation which develops the sense of weirdness and amateurishness towards a deeply mysterious and subtle artwork. This due to past judgments as we cannot see that art is virtuous because we do not take it from a certain point of view. Quality in vision, quality in life and quality in intensity makes art worth full. The art which is not strived to excellence is oxymoron. In short it is the developed eye, the developed hand of the master art which separates it from meaningless immature art.
Tilted Arc
“Tilted Arc” is a sculpture of artist Richard Serra, an American minimalist. It was commissioned by the United States General services Administration's Arts in architecture in 1981 for the federal plaza in New York, USA. However, many controversies were developed against this esthetics and public sculpture. As a result of these controversies Titled Arc was destroyed by United States government in 1989. The Fundamental conceptions of this work are gravity, entropy and balance towards art and ...