Sudden Illness

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Sudden Illness


The sudden illnesses discussed in this paper are diabetes, angina, heart attack and seizures. The paper highlights the signs and symptoms, and the treatment for these illnesses. It is essential for people to know about and understand these illnesses. People suffering from them need to take extra care.

Sudden Illness


Sudden illness can be detrimental to the life of any human being. There are four sudden illnesses that are most common; angina, diabetes, heart attack and seizures. Every person should be aware of these and the signs and symptoms related to the illnesses. Furthermore, it is important to know the treatments so that a person's life can be saved (IM, 2001).



Angina, medically termed as angina pectoris is, is the discomfort in the chest that occurs where the oxygen supply in blood is decreased to a particular area of the heart muscle. Typically, the coronary arteries become narrow due to arteriosclerosis causing the decrease in blood supply. There are two types of angina; namely stable angina and unstable angina. It is usually followed by causes like severe emotional stress, a heavy meal or during exertion. During the time that angina is occurring, the heart muscle requires more oxygen in the blood. However, this oxygen cannot be supplied by the narrowed coronary arteries.

Angina can last from one to fifteen minutes. Relief from angina is obtained by taking rest or by placing a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue. The nitroglycerin serves the purpose of relaxing the blood vessels and lowering blood pressure. Thus, the demand for more oxygen is reduced, and the angina subsides.

Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of angina include heaviness, pressure, squeezing, tightening or aching of the chest. This felt mostly behind the breastbone. The pain then spreads to the arms, jaw, neck, back and sometimes teeth. Other signs and symptoms of angina are heartburn, indigestion, sweating, weakness, cramping, nausea and shortness of breath.


There are mainly four options for the treatment of angina. Firstly, the person who suffers or is suffering from angina should rest. Secondly, there are medications that include nitroglycerin, calcium channel blockers and beta blockers. Thirdly, there is a more complex treatment called the percutaneous trans- luminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). Lastly, the most complex and last resort is the coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG).

Heart attack

A heart attack is the result of a blood clot blocking a coronary artery. The coronary artery serves the purpose of bringing oxygenated blood to the heart. If one of the coronary arteries is blocked, the heart's blood and oxygen supply will be terminated. This causes the heart cells to die. The blockage of the coronary artery is typically caused by build- up of plaque.

Signs and Symptoms

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