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Successful Marketing (by MNCs) in China

Successful Marketing (by MNCs) in China


The choices of the company and its performance in international markets are affected by a decision of great importance: the adoption of a strategy international marketing. There are many reasons why a company decision to expand into foreign countries, the achievement of cost advantages in production, the search for new markets, and the garrison of supplies. Whatever the specific objective of the development international company, this can be attributed to the desire to build, and sometimes recover its competitive edge in the international arena, advantage of the opportunities offered by foreign markets. The international marketing strategies in the current economic options become inevitable for the survival of the company, in an environment characterized by an ever-changing and growing trend to an ever-increasing degree of globalization of markets. Multi National Corporations (MNCs) live fully inserted in this context characterized by a "wild" competition mainly due market liberalization and globalization. Industry is also beginning to experience a weakening of competitive advantage hitherto enjoyed, because, on the one hand, the saturation of demand in the markets traditional target and, second, the increased competitiveness of emerging countries (Lowe, 2007, pp. 115-23). It therefore seems necessary reorientation of strategies business expansion that target product innovation and processes, as well as a reallocation of resources to more lucrative markets, which are just emerging.


It is therefore important for MNCs to redefine the their internationalization strategies and a new selection of markets: in this context, they should keep in mind that the identification of the country abroad and the choice of mode of entry and expansion in that market represent the most critical strategic decisions that an international you are facing.

As for the method of entry, it must be said that since they are the link between the product and the market chosen, any decision in this regard is not can regardless of the characteristics of the company and the specificities of the sector which it operates. We can then say that companies generally penetrate the different markets with different modes of entry, ranging from simple export of products and services for the setting of the system production.

The present work proposes to analyze some of the possible mode of entry into a foreign country of a company, together with the research by part of the same of alternative markets for the purpose of generating a separate competitive advantage that will guarantee a position of greater safety business. Among the markets available for MNCs, it was considered necessary to analyze the Chinese market. China, in fact, is living now some years a phase of exceptional growth (despite the economic crisis 2008), which has secured a prominent position among emerging countries, made more firm by his entry into the World Trade Organization [WTO] (Brady, 2008, pp. 171-90). The first part of the work is dedicated to providing a framework theory of the internationalization process; the second part contains a brief analysis of the characteristics of the Chinese market to ...
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