Successful Fdi

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Fictional MNE

Fictional MNE


The main purpose of this paper is to create a MNE business and describe its business plan. For that purpose, I have selected the business of cellular services with the name of “Telezeast”. I country chosen for FDI is Pakistan. Pakistan is a developing country still there lies various opportunities for wireless Mobile companies to invest. This is because it is the market is profitable in this area of business. The wireless telephone utilization patterns disclose that 67% of Pakistani market values entry-level phones. Entry-level telephones are the ones that are cost underneath $50. They are utilized by nearly all earnings assemblies but most predominantly by the low-income group.

MNE Business

The MNE business chosen in this paper is the telecommunication business. The main business category under this is the cellular phones services company's business. The name of the business is “Telezeast”.

Product Chosen

The product chosen for this company is “the cellular service”.

Country to do FDI

The country chosen for this company is “Pakistan”. The reason I have chosen Pakistan is that cellular company in Pakistan is flourishing day by day. There are massive numbers of opportunities companies can opt for in telecommunication area.

Business Plan for TeleZeast

TeleZeast's key business objectives are:

To become the market foremost in mobile communications and unified messaging goods and services inside five years in Pakistan.

To become the leading cellular phone network who provides the lowest call charges by offering the aggressive pricing in Pakistan.

To have the best and most responsive clientele service by year-end Year 1.

Keys to Success

There are three keys to achievement for TeleZeast:

Marketing should develop adequate sales capacity to propel a hard-hitting charge form while yet accomplishing planned profitability projections.

Strategic partners should be discovered to distinctive mark MyLine and encourage it through their circulation channels.

Equity capital should be protected at a realistic valuation (Aaker 2009).

Company Ownership

TeleZeast, Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of AmericomUSA, Inc., a public describing business which is going to elaborate its enterprise now in Pakistan. Mr. Robert Cezar, Chief Executive Officer of AmericomUSA, Inc., own roughly 58% of the widespread supply of AmericomUSA (Archawski 2005). 'Telezeast' with its resources and marketing tactics can capture the market which is already owned by various other Cellular services companies.

Benefits and Costs of FDI to USA and Pakistan

The Telezeast business has undertaken a study in alignment to realize the benefits and costs of FDI to USA and Pakistan. This study was clearly undertaken on the Telecom commerce dangers that sway its foreign direct buying into appearing economies. Associated dangers engaged in this case were analyzed, and the position in the FDI context was evaluated. In other phrases, each affiliated risk was recognized, and modes to assess and investigate it were proposed (complete forms proposed which commerce persons can use to consider similar dangers in exact situations) and then modes in which it can be organized were assessed. It is anticipated that the FDI from Pakistan to USA has a high cost, and there is a gigantic promise of the Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan for ...
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